Class ExtendedStartMsg

  • public final class ExtendedStartMsg
    extends ReplicationMsg
    Added in protocol V10 to exchange additional information during handshake.

    Updated in protocol V14 with heartbeat interval.

    ASN.1 definition of the message is:

     ExtendedStartMsg ::= CHOICE {
          v10 PayloadV10 [APPLICATION 0]
          v14 PayloadV14 [APPLICATION 2]
     PayloadV10 ::= SEQUENCE {
          serverId ::= CHOICE {
               replicaId           [0] IMPLICIT PrintableString
               replicationServerId [1] IMPLICIT PrintableString
          groupId PrintableString,
          processId ::= SEQUENCE OF {
              msb INTEGER,
              lsb INTEGER
          serverState ::= SET OF {
              csn OCTET STRING
     PayloadV14 ::= SEQUENCE {
          serverId ::= CHOICE {
               replicaId           [0] IMPLICIT PrintableString
               replicationServerId [1] IMPLICIT PrintableString
          groupId PrintableString,
          processId ::= SEQUENCE OF {
              msb INTEGER,
              lsb INTEGER
          serverState ::= SET OF {
              csn OCTET STRING
          heartbeatInterval INTEGER
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtendedStartMsg

        public ExtendedStartMsg​(ServerId<?> serverId,
                                com.forgerock.opendj.discovery.GroupId groupId,
                                ProcessId processId,
                                ServerState state,
                                long heartbeatInterval)
        Constructs an ExtendedStartMsg replication message for sending.
        serverId - the serverID to send
        groupId - the groupID to send
        processId - the processID to send
        state - the ServerState to send
        heartbeatInterval - the interval for RS-RS heartbeat
      • ExtendedStartMsg

        public ExtendedStartMsg​(Asn1Reader asn1,
                                byte messageType)
                         throws IOException,
        Constructs a ExtendedStartMsg from a replication message.
        asn1 - the data from a received message
        messageType - the type of received message
        IOException - if the message does not apply to this protocol version.
        DataFormatException - If the ASN.1 reader does not contain a valid encoded form of the message.
    • Method Detail

      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes​(short protocolVersion)
        Description copied from class: ReplicationMsg
        Serializes the PDU using the provided replication protocol version. WARNING: should be overwritten by a PDU (sub class) we want to support older protocol version serialization for.
        Specified by:
        getBytes in class ReplicationMsg
        protocolVersion - The protocol version to use for serialization. The version should normally be older than the current one.
        The encoded PDU, or null if the message isn't supported in that protocol version.
      • getGroupId

        public com.forgerock.opendj.discovery.GroupId getGroupId()
        Returns the groupID in this message.
        the groupID in this message
      • getServerId

        public ServerId<?> getServerId()
        Returns the serverID in this message.
        the serverID in this message
      • getProcessId

        public ProcessId getProcessId()
        Returns the processID in this message.
        the processID in this message
      • getServerState

        public ServerState getServerState()
        Returns the ServerState in this message.
        the ServerState in this message
      • getHeartbeatInterval

        public long getHeartbeatInterval()
        Returns the heartbeat interval in this message, which is 0L by default.
        the heartbeat interval in this message, which is 0L by default.