Class JsonAuditEventHandlerConfiguration

public class JsonAuditEventHandlerConfiguration extends FileBasedEventHandlerConfiguration
Configuration for JsonAuditEventHandler.
  • Constructor Details

    • JsonAuditEventHandlerConfiguration

      public JsonAuditEventHandlerConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getLogDirectory

      public String getLogDirectory()
      Gets the directory where the JSON file is located.
      location of the JSON file
    • setLogDirectory

      public void setLogDirectory(String directory)
      Sets the directory where the JSON file is located.
      directory - location of the JSON file
    • isElasticsearchCompatible

      public boolean isElasticsearchCompatible()
      Determines if JSON format should be transformed to be compatible with ElasticSearch format restrictions.
      true for ElasticSearch JSON format compatibility enforcement and false otherwise
    • setElasticsearchCompatible

      public void setElasticsearchCompatible(boolean elasticsearchCompatible)
      Specifies if JSON format should be transformed to be compatible with ElasticSearch format restrictions.
      elasticsearchCompatible - true for ElasticSearch JSON format compatibility enforcements and false otherwise
    • getBuffering

      Gets configuration of event buffering.
      configuration of event buffering
    • setBuffering

      Sets configuration of event buffering.
      buffering - configuration of event buffering
    • isUsableForQueries

      public boolean isUsableForQueries()
      Description copied from class: EventHandlerConfiguration
      States if an AuditEventHandler can be used for queries.
      Specified by:
      isUsableForQueries in class EventHandlerConfiguration
      True - If the AuditEventHandler can be used for queries. False - If the AuditEventHandler can not be used for queries.