Class JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JsonStdoutAuditEventHandler extends AuditEventHandlerBase
AuditEventHandler for persisting raw JSON events to stdout.

The format is UTF-8, with one JSON event per line, and each line terminated by a newline character.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • startup

      public void startup()
      Description copied from interface: AuditEventHandler
      Instruct this object that it is safe to initialize file handles and network connections.

      Reconfiguration of the AuditService and its handlers is achieved by replacing rather than modifying the existing objects. Therefore, it's essential that the replacements do not perform any I/O that would interfere with the operation of the objects they are replacing until the old objects are shutdown. For example, when shutting down an old instance of a file-based AuditEventHandler, the old instance may need to flush buffers, apply file rotation or retention policies, or even add line or block signatures as part of tamper evident logging. Any of these operations could be broken if two handler instances are operating on the same set of files simultaneously.

    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Description copied from interface: AuditEventHandler
      Instruct this object to flush any buffers and close any open file handles or network connections.
    • publishEvent

      public Promise<ResourceResponse,ResourceException> publishEvent( context, String topic, JsonValue event)
      Description copied from interface: AuditEventHandler
      Publishes an event to the provided topic.

      Note for implementors, it is imperative that the supplied event is not modified in any way as this may cause undesirable behaviour where multiple handlers are configured. If the event must be modified, then make a copy of it and work with that.

      context - The context chain that initiated the event.
      topic - The topic where to publish the event.
      event - The event to publish - which should be considered immutable.
      a promise with either a response or an exception
    • readEvent

      public Promise<ResourceResponse,ResourceException> readEvent( context, String topic, String resourceId)
      Description copied from interface: AuditEventHandler
      Reads an event with the provided resource id from the provided topic.
      context - The context chain that initiated the event.
      topic - The topic where event is read.
      resourceId - The identifier of the event.
      a promise with either a response or an exception
    • queryEvents

      public Promise<QueryResponse,ResourceException> queryEvents( context, String topic, QueryRequest query, QueryResourceHandler handler)
      Description copied from interface: AuditEventHandler
      Query some events from the provided topic.
      context - The context chain that initiated the event.
      topic - The topic on which query is performed.
      query - The request with the query.
      handler - The handler to process responses for the query.
      a promise with either a response or an exception