Interface ConfigurationAddListener<T extends Configuration>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of configuration that this listener should be notified about.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLogger, AccessControlConfigManager, AccessLogger, AccountStatusNotificationHandlerConfigManager, AlertHandlerConfigManager, BackendConfigManager, CertificateMapperConfigManager, ConnectionHandlerConfigManager, EntryCacheConfigManager, ErrorLogger, ExtendedOperationConfigManager, HTTPAccessLogger, HttpEndpointConfigManager, IdentityMapperConfigManager, KeyManagerProviderConfigManager, LoggerConfigManager, LogRetentionPolicyConfigManager, LogRotationPolicyConfigManager, MultimasterReplication, PasswordGeneratorConfigManager, PasswordStorageSchemeConfigManager, PasswordValidatorConfigManager, PluginConfigManager, SASLConfigManager, SchemaHandler, ServiceDiscoveryMechanismConfigManager, SynchronizationProviderConfigManager, TrustManagerProviderConfigManager, VirtualAttributeConfigManager

public interface ConfigurationAddListener<T extends Configuration>
This interface defines the methods that a Directory Server configurable component should implement if it wishes to be able to receive notifications when a new configuration is added.
  • Method Details

    • isConfigurationAddAcceptable

      boolean isConfigurationAddAcceptable(T configuration, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
      Indicates whether the proposed addition of a new configuration is acceptable to this add listener.
      configuration - The configuration that will be added.
      unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
      Returns true if the proposed addition is acceptable, or false if it is not.
    • applyConfigurationAdd

      ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationAdd(T configuration)
      Adds a new configuration to this add listener.
      configuration - The configuration that will be added.
      Returns information about the result of adding the configuration.