Package org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.spi

package org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.spi
Contains a number of API declarations for use throughout the Directory Server. Whenever possible, these APIs should be declared using abstract classes rather than interfaces so that they can be altered in future versions without impacting backward compatibility.

Note that the mere existence of a class or interface in this package does not in itself imply that it is intended for use by third party code. Please refer to the official product documentation to indicate which APIs may be safely used by anyone other than the core Directory Server developers. Failure to heed this warning may result in code that could have unintended side effects or that does not work properly across different Directory Server versions.
  • Interfaces
    This interface defines the methods that a Directory Server component should implement if it wishes to be able to receive notification of new entries added below a configuration entry.
    This interface defines the methods that a Directory Server component should implement if it wishes to be able to receive notification of changes to a configuration entry.
    This interface defines the methods that a Directory Server component should implement if it wishes to be able to receive notification if entries below a configuration entry are removed.
    Provides configuration entries and listener registration on the entries.