Class Entries.NullEntry

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static final class Entries.NullEntry extends AbstractEntry
An Entry which implements the null object pattern.
  • Method Details

    • addAttribute

      public boolean addAttribute(Attribute attribute, Collection<? super ByteString> duplicateValues)
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Ensures that this entry contains the provided attribute and values (optional operation). This method has the following semantics:
      • If this entry does not already contain an attribute with a matching attribute description, then this entry will be modified such that it contains attribute, even if it is empty.
      • If this entry already contains an attribute with a matching attribute description, then the attribute values contained in attribute will be merged with the existing attribute values.

      NOTE: When attribute is non-empty, this method implements LDAP Modify add semantics.

      attribute - The attribute values to be added to this entry, merging with any existing attribute values.
      duplicateValues - A collection into which duplicate values will be added, or null if duplicate values should not be saved.
      true if this entry changed as a result of this call.
    • clearAttributes

      public Entry clearAttributes()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Removes all the attributes from this entry (optional operation).
      This entry.
    • getAllAttributes

      public Iterable<Attribute> getAllAttributes()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Returns an Iterable containing all of the attributes in this entry. The returned Iterable may be used to remove attributes if permitted by this entry.
      An Iterable containing all of the attributes.
    • getAttributeCount

      public int getAttributeCount()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Returns the number of attributes in this entry.
      The number of attributes.
    • getName

      public Dn getName()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Returns the distinguished name of this entry.
      The distinguished name of this entry.
    • setName

      public Entry setName(Dn dn)
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Sets the distinguished name of this entry (optional operation).
      dn - The distinguished name.
      This entry.