Interface IntermediateResponseHandler

public interface IntermediateResponseHandler
A completion handler for consuming intermediate responses returned from extended operations, or other operations for which an appropriate control was sent.

Intermediate responses are rarely used in practice and are therefore only supported in a few specialized cases where they are most likely to be encountered:

When no handler is provided any intermediate responses will be discarded.

The handleIntermediateResponse(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.messages.IntermediateResponse) method is invoked each time a Intermediate Response is returned from the Directory Server.

Implementations of these methods should complete in a timely manner so as to avoid keeping the invoking thread from dispatching to other completion handlers.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Invoked each time an intermediate response is returned from the Directory Server.
  • Method Details

    • handleIntermediateResponse

      boolean handleIntermediateResponse(IntermediateResponse response)
      Invoked each time an intermediate response is returned from the Directory Server.
      response - The intermediate response.
      true if this handler should continue to be notified of any remaining intermediate responses, or false if the remaining responses should be skipped for some reason (e.g. a client side size limit has been reached).