Interface LdapSession

public interface LdapSession
Server side representation of a connected LDAP client. An LDAP session can be used to query information about the client's connection such as their network address, as well as managing the state of the connection.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • onClose

      Completable onClose()
      Returns a Completable which will signal onComplete when the client disconnects or onError if the server disconnects the client.
      A Completable which will complete or fail when this session is terminated.
    • disconnect

      void disconnect()
      Disconnects the client without sending a disconnect notification. Invoking this method causes onClose() to fail with the error RxSocket.LOCAL_CLOSE.
    • disconnect

      void disconnect(ResultCode resultCode, CharSequence diagnosticMessage)
      Disconnects the client and sends a disconnect notification, containing the provided result code and diagnostic message. Invoking this method causes onClose() to fail with the error RxSocket.LOCAL_CLOSE.
      resultCode - The result code to include with the disconnect notification
      diagnosticMessage - The diagnostic message to include with the disconnect notification
    • getLocalAddress

      InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress()
      Returns the InetSocketAddress associated with the local system.
      The InetSocketAddress associated with the local system.
    • getRemoteAddress

      InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress()
      Returns the InetSocketAddress associated with the remote system.
      The InetSocketAddress associated with the remote system.
    • getSecurityStrengthFactor

      int getSecurityStrengthFactor()
      Returns the cipher strength, in bits, currently in use by the underlying connection. This value is analogous to the javax.servlet.request.key_size property defined in the Servlet specification (section 3.8 "SSL Attributes"). It provides no indication of the relative strength of different cipher algorithms, their known weaknesses, nor the strength of other cryptographic information used during SSL/TLS negotiation.
      The cipher strength, in bits, currently in use by the underlying connection.
    • getSslSession

      SSLSession getSslSession()
      Returns the SSL session currently in use by the underlying connection, or null if SSL/TLS is not enabled.
      The SSL session currently in use by the underlying connection, or null if SSL/TLS is not enabled.
    • sendUnsolicitedNotification

      Completable sendUnsolicitedNotification(ExtendedResult notification)
      Sends an unsolicited notification to the client.
      notification - The notification to send.
      A Completable which will be completed once the notification has been sent.
    • getProxyProtocolHeader

      ProxyProtocolHeader getProxyProtocolHeader()
      Returns the proxy protocol header sent by the client, or null if the proxy protocol is disabled.
      The proxy protocol header sent by the client, or null if the proxy protocol is disabled.