Class SchemaOptions


public final class SchemaOptions extends Object
Common options for LDAP schemas.

For example you set schema option as you want when using a schema.

 // Retrieves options from builder.
 SchemaOptions options = new SchemaBuilder().getOptions();
 // Creates a new option.
 Option myIntegerOption = options.set(Option.of(Integer.class, 0));
 // Retrieves option value from SchemaOption
 boolean allowMalformedNamesAndOptions = options.get(SchemaOptions.ALLOW_MALFORMED_NAMES_AND_OPTIONS);
  • Field Details


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_MALFORMED_NAMES_AND_OPTIONS
      Specifies whether the schema should allow certain illegal characters in OIDs and attribute options. When this compatibility option is set to true the following illegal characters will be permitted in addition to those permitted in section 1.4 of RFC 4512:
       USCORE  = %x5F ; underscore ("_")
       DOT     = %x2E ; period (".")
      By default this compatibility option is set to true because these characters are often used for naming purposes (such as collation rules).

      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES_WITH_NO_SUP_OR_SYNTAX
      Specifies whether the schema should allow attribute type definitions that do not declare a superior attribute type or syntax. When this compatibility option is set to true invalid attribute type definitions will use the default syntax specifed by the DEFAULT_SYNTAX_OID option.

      By default this compatibility option is set to true in order to remain compatible with previous versions of OpenDJ.


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_MALFORMED_JPEG_PHOTOS
      Specifies whether the JPEG Photo syntax should allow values which do not conform to the JFIF or Exif specifications.

      By default this compatibility option is set to true.


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_MALFORMED_POSTAL_ADDRESSES
      Specifies whether the PostalAddress syntax should allow values which do not conform to the LDAP specifications.

      By default this compatibility option is set to true.


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_MALFORMED_CERTIFICATES
      Specifies whether the Certificate syntax should allow values which do not conform to the X.509 specifications.

      By default this compatibility option is set to true.


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_MALFORMED_CERTPAIRS
      Specifies whether the CertificatePair syntax should allow values which do not conform to the X.509 specifications.

      By default this compatibility option is set to true.


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_MALFORMED_CERTLISTS
      Specifies whether the CertificateList syntax should allow values which do not conform to the X.509 specifications.

      By default this compatibility option is set to true.


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_NON_STANDARD_TELEPHONE_NUMBERS
      Specifies whether the Telephone Number syntax should allow values which do not conform to the E.123 international telephone number format.

      By default this compatibility option is set to true.


      public static final Option<Boolean> ALLOW_ZERO_LENGTH_DIRECTORY_STRINGS
      Specifies whether zero-length values will be allowed by the Directory String syntax. This is technically forbidden by the LDAP specification, but it was allowed in earlier versions of the server, and the discussion of the directory string syntax in RFC 2252 does not explicitly state that they are not allowed.

      By default this compatibility option is set to false.


      public static final Option<String> DEFAULT_SYNTAX_OID
      Specifies the OID of the default syntax which will be used when parsing unrecognized attributes.

      By default the OctetString syntax will be used.


      public static final Option<String> DEFAULT_MATCHING_RULE_OID
      Specifies the OID of the default matching rule which will be used when parsing unrecognized attributes.

      By default the OctetString matching rule will be used.


      public static final Option<Function<String,MatchingRuleImpl>> UNKNOWN_MATCHING_RULE_HANDLER
      Specifies the unknown matching rule handler which will be invoked when a non-strict schema is queried about an unknown matching rule.

      public static final Option<Boolean> STRICT_FORMAT_FOR_COUNTRY_STRINGS
      Indicates whether country code values are required to strictly comply with the standard definition for this syntax.

      When set to false, country codes will not be validated and, as a result any string containing 2 characters will be acceptable. By default this compatibility option is set to true.


      public static final Option<Boolean> STRIP_UPPER_BOUND_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
      Indicates whether the minimum upper bound value should be stripped from the Attribute Type Syntax Description.

      By default this compatibility option is set to false.


      public static final Option<Boolean> STRICT_FORMAT_FOR_BOOLEAN
      Indicates whether boolean values are required to strictly comply with the standard definition for this syntax.

      When set to true, the only values accepted for boolean are "TRUE" and "FALSE". When set to false, the server accepts "true", "false", "on", "off", "1", "0", "yes", "no", in a case insensitive way. By default this compatibility option is set to false.