Class JsonSchema


public final class JsonSchema extends Object
Utility methods for obtaining JSON syntaxes and matching rules. See the package documentation for more detail.
  • Field Details


      public static final Option<JsonSchema.ValidationPolicy> VALIDATION_POLICY
      Schema option controlling syntax validation for JSON based attributes. By default this compatibility option is set to JsonSchema.ValidationPolicy.STRICT.

      public static final Option<Boolean> CASE_SENSITIVE_STRINGS
      Matching rule option controlling whether JSON string comparisons should be case-sensitive. By default this compatibility option is set to false meaning that case will be ignored.

      This option must be provided when constructing a JSON matching rule using newJsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleImpl(java.lang.String, org.forgerock.util.Options), and cannot be overridden at the schema level.


      public static final Option<Boolean> IGNORE_WHITE_SPACE
      Matching rule option controlling whether JSON string comparisons should ignore white-space. By default this compatibility option is set to true meaning that leading and trailing white-space will be ignored and intermediate white-space will be reduced to a single white-space character.

      This option must be provided when constructing a JSON matching rule using newJsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleImpl(java.lang.String, org.forgerock.util.Options), and cannot be overridden at the schema level.


      public static final Option<Collection<String>> INDEXED_FIELD_PATTERNS
      Matching rule option controlling which JSON fields should be indexed by the matching rule. By default all fields will be indexed. To restrict the set of indexed fields specify a list whose values are wild-card patterns for matching against JSON pointers. Patterns are JSON pointers where "*" represents zero or more characters in a single path element, and "**" represents any number of path elements. For example:
      Pattern examples
      PatternMatchesDoesn't match

      public static final String SYNTAX_JSON_OID
      The OID of the JSON attribute syntax.
      See Also:

      public static final String SYNTAX_JSON_QUERY_OID
      The OID of the JSON query attribute syntax.
      See Also:

      public static final String SYNTAX_NAME_AND_JSON_WITH_ID_OID
      The OID of the Name and JSON attribute syntax.
      See Also:

      public static final String EMR_NAME_AND_JSON_OID
      The OID of the nameAndJsonEqualityMatchingRule equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      The OID of the jsonFirstComponentCaseIgnoreJsonQueryMatch equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      The OID of the jsonFirstComponentCaseExactJsonQueryMatch equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      public static final String EMR_NAME_AND_JSON_CASE_IGNORE_JSON_ID_OID
      The OID of the case insensitive nameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonIdEqualityMatch equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      public static final String EMR_NAME_AND_JSON_CASE_EXACT_JSON_ID_OID
      The OID of the case sensitive nameAndJsonCaseExactJsonIdEqualityMatch equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      public static final String EMR_CASE_IGNORE_JSON_ID_OID
      The OID of the case insensitive JSON equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      public static final String EMR_CASE_EXACT_JSON_ID_OID
      The OID of the case sensitive JSON equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      public static final String EMR_CASE_IGNORE_JSON_QUERY_OID
      The OID of the case insensitive JSON query equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      public static final String EMR_CASE_EXACT_JSON_QUERY_OID
      The OID of the case sensitive JSON query equality matching rule.
      See Also:

      The OID of the Name and JSON query filter assertion syntax.
      See Also:

      The OID of the case insensitive nameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonQueryFilterMatch equality matching rule.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static Schema getInstance()
      Returns a Schema containing the core schema and JSON syntaxes and matching rules.
      The schema.
    • getNameAndJsonWithIdSyntax

      public static Syntax getNameAndJsonWithIdSyntax()
      Returns the Name with JSON attribute syntax having the OID "". Attribute values of this syntax must be a valid DN, prepended with a JSON object with an _id property. Example:
       attribute: {"_id": "anId", "json": "value"}uid=user.2
       attribute: {"_id": "anId", json": "valueForEmptyDn"}
      By default JSON properties will be ignored by the nameAndJsonEqualityMatchingRule matching rule, although this may be overridden when defining individual attribute types (see: getNameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonIdMatchingRule() and getNameAndJsonCaseExactJsonIdMatchingRule()
      The JSON attribute syntax having the OID "".
    • getNameAndJsonQueryFilterAssertionSyntax

      public static Syntax getNameAndJsonQueryFilterAssertionSyntax()
      Returns the Name with JSON query filter assertion syntax having the OID "". Bytestring matching this syntax are made of a query filter surrounded by parenthesis followed by a DN. Example:
       ("field" eq "value")uid=user.2
      The Name with JSON query filter assertion syntax having the OID "".
    • getJsonSyntax

      public static Syntax getJsonSyntax()
      Returns the JSON attribute syntax having the OID "". Attribute values of this syntax must be valid JSON. Use the VALIDATION_POLICY schema option to control the degree of syntax enforcement. By default JSON attributes will support equality matching using the jsonQueryMatch matching rule, although this may be overridden when defining individual attribute types.
      The JSON attribute syntax having the OID "".
    • getJsonQuerySyntax

      public static Syntax getJsonQuerySyntax()
      Returns the JSON Query attribute syntax having the OID "". Attribute values of this syntax must be valid CREST JSON query filter strings as defined in QueryFilterParser.
      The JSON Query attribute syntax having the OID "".
    • getNameAndJsonMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getNameAndJsonMatchingRule()
      Returns the nameAndJsonEqualityMatchingRule matching rule having the OID "". This matching rule will compare the DN part of the attribute while ignoring the JSON part.
      The nameAndJsonEqualityMatchingRule matching rule having the OID "".
    • getNameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonIdMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getNameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonIdMatchingRule()
      Returns the "nameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonIdEqualityMatch" matching rule having the OID "". This matching rule will compare the DN part of the attribute as well as the _id member of the JSON part. If the _id member has a string value, the matching rule will use a case insensitive string comparison, and will ignore white space.
      The nameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonIdEqualityMatch matching rule having the OID "".
    • getNameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonQueryFilterMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getNameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonQueryFilterMatchingRule()
      Returns the "" matching rule having the OID "". This matching rule will compare the DN part of the attribute as well as the JSON part that matches a query filter. The matching rule's assertion syntax is a CREST JSON query filter. This matching rule will ignore the case when comparing JSON strings as well as ignoring white spaces. In addition, all JSON fields will be indexed if indexing is enabled.
      The nameAndJsonCaseIgnoreJsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "".
    • getNameAndJsonCaseExactJsonIdMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getNameAndJsonCaseExactJsonIdMatchingRule()
      Returns the "nameAndJsonCaseExactJsonIdEqualityMatch" matching rule having the OID "". This matching rule will compare the DN part of the attribute as well as the _id member of the JSON part. If the _id member has a string value, the matching rule will use a case sensitive string comparison, and will ignore white space.
      The "nameAndJsonCaseExactJsonIdEqualityMatch" matching rule having the OID "".
    • getCaseIgnoreJsonIdMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getCaseIgnoreJsonIdMatchingRule()
      Returns the jsonMatch matching rule having the OID "". This matching rule will compare the _id member of JSON objects. If the _id member has a string value, the matching rule will use a case insensitive string comparison, and will ignore white space.
      The jsonMatch matching rule having the OID "".
    • getCaseExactJsonIdMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getCaseExactJsonIdMatchingRule()
      Returns the jsonMatch matching rule having the OID "". This matching rule will compare the _id member of JSON objects. If the _id member has a string value, the matching rule will use a case sensitive string comparison, and will ignore white space.
      The @code jsonMatch} matching rule having the OID "".
    • getCaseIgnoreJsonQueryMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getCaseIgnoreJsonQueryMatchingRule()
      Returns the jsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "". The matching rule's assertion syntax is a CREST JSON query filter. This matching rule will ignore case when comparing JSON strings as well as ignoring white space. In addition, all JSON fields will be indexed if indexing is enabled.
      The jsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "".
    • getCaseExactJsonQueryMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getCaseExactJsonQueryMatchingRule()
      Returns the jsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "". The matching rule's assertion syntax is a CREST JSON query filter. This matching rule will check the case when comparing JSON strings as well as ignoring ignore white space. In addition, all JSON fields will be indexed if indexing is enabled.
      The jsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "".
    • getJsonFirstComponentCaseIgnoreJsonQueryMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getJsonFirstComponentCaseIgnoreJsonQueryMatchingRule()
      Returns the jsonFirstComponentJsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "". The matching rule's assertion syntax is a Name and JSON. This matching rule will ignore case when comparing JSON strings as well as ignoring ignore white space. In addition, all JSON fields will be indexed if indexing is enabled.
      The jsonFirstComponentJsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "".
    • getJsonFirstComponentCaseExactJsonQueryMatchingRule

      public static MatchingRule getJsonFirstComponentCaseExactJsonQueryMatchingRule()
      Returns the jsonFirstComponentJsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "". The matching rule's assertion syntax is a Name and JSON. This matching rule will check the case when comparing JSON strings as well as ignoring ignore white space. In addition, all JSON fields will be indexed if indexing is enabled.
      The jsonFirstComponentJsonQueryMatch matching rule having the OID "".
    • getCaseIgnoreExtensibleJsonOrderingMatchingRule

      public static String getCaseIgnoreExtensibleJsonOrderingMatchingRule()
      Returns the extensible JSON ordering matching rule having the OID "".

      The returned string is expected to be concatenated with a colon (:) and the colon (:) separated list of the JSON pointers referencing the entries' fields which must be taken into consideration for the ordering.

      A string format to build an extensible ordering json matching rule.
    • newJsonEqualityMatchingRuleImpl

      public static MatchingRuleImpl newJsonEqualityMatchingRuleImpl(Collection<JsonPointer> keys, Options options)
      Creates a new custom JSON equality matching rule implementation with the provided matching rule name and options.
      keys - The list of JSON fields to use to normalize a JSON object.
      options - The options controlling the behavior of the matching rule.
      The new custom JSON equality matching rule implementation.
      See Also:
    • newJsonOrderingMatchingRuleImpl

      public static MatchingRuleImpl newJsonOrderingMatchingRuleImpl(List<JsonPointer> keys, Options options)
      Creates a new custom JSON ordering matching rule implementation with the provided matching rule name and options.
      keys - The list of JSON fields to use to normalize a JSON object.
      options - The options controlling the behavior of the matching rule.
      The new custom JSON ordering matching rule implementation.
      See Also:
    • newJsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleImpl

      public static MatchingRuleImpl newJsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleImpl(String matchingRuleName, Options options)
      Creates a new custom JSON query equality matching rule implementation with the provided matching rule name and options. This method should be used when creating custom JSON matching rules whose behavior differs from getCaseIgnoreJsonQueryMatchingRule().
      matchingRuleName - The name of the matching rule. This will be used as the index ID in attribute indexes so it must not collide with other indexes identifiers.
      options - The options controlling the behavior of the matching rule.
      The new custom JSON query equality matching rule implementation.
      See Also:
    • newNameAndJsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleImpl

      public static MatchingRuleImpl newNameAndJsonQueryEqualityMatchingRuleImpl(String matchingRuleName, Options options)
      Creates a new custom NameAndJson query equality matching rule implementation with provided matching rule name and options. This method should be used to create custom NameAndJson matching rules that need to index only some JSON fields. This can be done by providing an option INDEXED_FIELD_PATTERNS that defines the JSON fields to index.
      matchingRuleName - The name of the matching rule. This will be used as the index ID in attributes indexes of the underlying matching rule for the JSON part. So, it must not collide with other indexes identifiers.
      options - The options controlling the behavior of the matching rule.
      a new custom NameAndJson query equality matching rule implementation.
    • addJsonSyntaxesAndMatchingRulesToSchema

      public static SchemaBuilder addJsonSyntaxesAndMatchingRulesToSchema(SchemaBuilder builder)
      Adds the syntaxes and matching rules required by for JSON attribute support to the provided schema builder.
      builder - The schema builder to which the schema elements should be added.
      The schema builder.
    • byteStringToJson

      public static Object byteStringToJson(ByteString value)
      Parses the provided byte string as a JSON value. Invalid values will result in a LocalizedIllegalArgumentException.
      value - The value to be parsed.
      The parsed JSON value.
      LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If value is not valid JSON.
    • jsonToByteString

      public static ByteString jsonToByteString(Object value) throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
      Converts a JSON Object to a ByteString representation.
      value - The JSON object to be converted.
      The ByteString representation.
      com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException - If conversion failed for some reason.
    • byteStringToNameAndJson

      public static Pair<Dn,Object> byteStringToNameAndJson(Schema schema, ByteString value)
      Decodes the provided value as a Name and JSON value. Invalid values will result in a LocalizedIllegalArgumentException.
      schema - The schema to use to decode the value.
      value - The value to be decoded.
      The decoded Name and JSON value.
      LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If value is not a valid Name and JSON.
    • byteStringToNameWithoutJson

      public static Dn byteStringToNameWithoutJson(Schema schema, ByteString value)
      Decodes the provided value as a Name and JSON value but without decoding the JSON value. Invalid values will result in a LocalizedIllegalArgumentException.
      schema - The schema to use to decode the value.
      value - The value to be decoded.
      The decoded name, ignoring the JSON value.
      LocalizedIllegalArgumentException - If value is not a valid Name and JSON.
    • nameAndJsonToByteString

      public static ByteString nameAndJsonToByteString(Dn name, Object json) throws com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
      Encodes the provided name and json into a ByteString.
      name - The name part.
      json - The associated JSON properties (or null).
      The encoded Name and JSON value.
      com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException - If conversion failed for some reason.
    • nameAndJsonToByteString

      public static ByteString nameAndJsonToByteString(ByteString nameAndJsonValue, Dn newName)
      Encodes the provided newName and the JSON contained in nameAndJsonValue into a ByteString.

      This is an optimization allowing to change the Dn of a Name And JSON value without having to fully decode the JSON part.

      nameAndJsonValue - The encoded Name And JSON value.
      newName - The new name.
      The encoded Name and JSON value.