Class TrustManagers


public final class TrustManagers extends Object
This class contains methods for creating common types of trust manager.
  • Method Details

    • checkUsingKeyStoreFile

      public static X509TrustManager checkUsingKeyStoreFile(String file, char[] password, String type) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException
      Creates a new X509TrustManager which will use the named trust store file to determine whether to trust a certificate. It will use the provided trust store type and password.
      file - The trust store file name.
      password - The trust store password, which may be null.
      type - The trust store type, which may be null to indicate that the default trust store type for the JVM (e.g. KeyManagers.JKS) should be used.
      A new X509TrustManager which will use the named trust store file to determine whether to trust a certificate.
      GeneralSecurityException - If the trust store could not be loaded, perhaps due to incorrect type, or missing algorithms.
      IOException - If the trust store file could not be found or could not be read.
      NullPointerException - If provided file was null.
    • checkUsingKeyStore

      public static X509TrustManager checkUsingKeyStore(KeyStore optionalKeyStore) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException
      Creates a new X509TrustManager which will use the key store to determine whether to trust a certificate.
      optionalKeyStore - The key store containing the trusted certificates or null to use the default key store.
      A new X509TrustManager which will use the key store to determine whether to trust a certificate.
      NoSuchAlgorithmException - If default trust store algorithm cannot be found.
      KeyStoreException - If the trust manager could not be initialized with the provided key store.
    • distrustAll

      public static X509TrustManager distrustAll()
      Returns an X509TrustManager which does not trust any certificates.
      An X509TrustManager which does not trust any certificates.
    • trustAll

      public static X509ExtendedTrustManager trustAll()
      Returns an X509ExtendedTrustManager which trusts all certificates.
      An X509ExtendedTrustManager which trusts all certificates.
    • trustAny

      public static X509ExtendedTrustManager trustAny(List<TrustManager> trustManagers)
      Returns a X509ExtendedTrustManager that wraps the given TrustManagers and that yields a positive result if ever one of the wrapped TrustManagers yields a positive result.
      trustManagers - The trust managers to wrap.
      The instance of X509TrustManager that wraps the given trust managers.