Interface ErrorLogPublisherCfg

All Superinterfaces:
Configuration, LogPublisherCfg
All Known Subinterfaces:
ConsoleErrorLogPublisherCfg, FileBasedErrorLogPublisherCfg

public interface ErrorLogPublisherCfg extends LogPublisherCfg
A server-side interface for querying Error Log Publisher settings.

Error Log Publishers are responsible for distributing error log messages from the error logger to a destination.

  • Method Details

    • configurationClass

      Class<? extends ErrorLogPublisherCfg> configurationClass()
      Gets the configuration class associated with this Error Log Publisher.
      Specified by:
      configurationClass in interface Configuration
      Specified by:
      configurationClass in interface LogPublisherCfg
      Returns the configuration class associated with this Error Log Publisher.
    • addErrorChangeListener

      void addErrorChangeListener(ConfigurationChangeListener<ErrorLogPublisherCfg> listener)
      Register to be notified when this Error Log Publisher is changed.
      listener - The Error Log Publisher configuration change listener.
    • removeErrorChangeListener

      void removeErrorChangeListener(ConfigurationChangeListener<ErrorLogPublisherCfg> listener)
      Deregister an existing Error Log Publisher configuration change listener.
      listener - The Error Log Publisher configuration change listener.
    • getDefaultSeverity

      Gets the "default-severity" property.

      Specifies the default severity level for the logger.

      Default value: notice

      Returns the value of the "default-severity" property.
    • getJavaClass

      String getJavaClass()
      Gets the "java-class" property.

      The fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Error Log Publisher implementation.

      Default value: org.opends.server.loggers.ErrorLogPublisher

      Specified by:
      getJavaClass in interface LogPublisherCfg
      Returns the value of the "java-class" property.
    • isJsonOutput

      boolean isJsonOutput()
      Gets the "json-output" property.

      Output log lines using JSON format (structured logging) instead of free form text.

      Default value: false

      Returns the value of the "json-output" property.
    • getOverrideSeverity

      SortedSet<String> getOverrideSeverity()
      Gets the "override-severity" property.

      Specifies the override severity level for the logger based on the category of the messages.

      Each override severity level should include the category and the severity level to log for that category, for example, core=info. Valid categories are: core, extensions, protocol, config, log, util, schema, plugin, jeb, backend, tools, task, access-control, admin, sync, version, setup, admin-tool, dsconfig, user-defined. Valid severities are: error, warning, notice, info, debug.

      Returns an unmodifiable set containing the values of the "override-severity" property.