Class SetupUtils


public final class SetupUtils extends Object
Utility methods used by the Setup class.
  • Method Details

    • validateInstanceLocFileNotPresent

      public static void validateInstanceLocFileNotPresent(Path installPath) throws SetupException
      Ensures that there is no existing instance.loc file.

      Creation of the instance.loc file is the setup tool responsibility, if an instance.loc file exists it means that either the setup has already been ran or that the user wants to use old setup tool behavior (see OPENDJ-3588).

      installPath - The install path of the server to setup
      SetupException - If an existing instance.loc has been found
    • serverAlreadyInstalled

      public static boolean serverAlreadyInstalled(Path instancePath)
      Returns true if there is already an OpenDJ instance set up in the provided Path.

      A path is considered as OpenDJ instance if either a config or a db directory (or both) is present.

      instancePath - The instance path to test
      true if there is already an OpenDJ instance set up in the provided Path
    • getNewServerId

      public static String getNewServerId()
      Returns a newly generated random server ID.
      a newly generated random server ID
    • hostPort

      public static com.forgerock.opendj.util.HostPort hostPort(String host, int port) throws com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException
      Validates provided host and port and returns a new HostPort object.
      host - Hostname, must be a non blank string
      port - Port number, must be in the port range
      A new HostPort object
      com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException - If either provided hostname or port is invalid
    • writeVersionsInConfigFile

      public static void writeVersionsInConfigFile(Path configFile) throws IOException
      Writes server binary and upgrade version in the provided LDIF config file.
      configFile - Path to the configuration file to be written.
      IOException - If an I/O exception occurs during the operation.