Class SigningKey

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SigningKey extends CryptoKey
A key that is used for signing digital signatures. This also encompasses message authenticate codes (MACs), which are treated as "symmetric signatures" by this framework for consistency and simplicity.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSignature

      public Signature getSignature(String algorithm)
      Returns a signature object initialised for signing. If the signature algorithm is for ECDSA and the key is extractable then this will attempt to return a deterministic ECDSA signature instance unless the system property "org.forgerock.secrets.preferDeterministicEcdsa" is set to "false".
      algorithm - the signature algorithm.
      the initialised signature object.
    • getSignature

      public Signature getSignature()
      Returns an initialised signature object for a default signature algorithm for this key type.
      the initialized signature object.