Interface LocalBackendInitializationListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
AciListenerManager, CryptoManagerSync, EntryCacheConfigManager.EntryCacheDispatcher, GroupManager, LDAPReplicationDomain, SubentryManager

public interface LocalBackendInitializationListener
This interface defines a set of methods that may be used by server components to perform any processing that they might find necessary whenever a local backend is initialized and/or finalized.
  • Method Details

    • performBackendPreInitializationProcessing

      default void performBackendPreInitializationProcessing(LocalBackend<?> backend)
      Performs any processing that may be required whenever a backend is initialized for use in the Directory Server. This method will be invoked after the backend has been initialized but before it has been put into service.
      backend - The backend that has been initialized and is about to be put into service.
    • performBackendPostInitializationProcessing

      default void performBackendPostInitializationProcessing(LocalBackend<?> backend)
      Performs any processing that may be required after the Initialisation cycle has been completed, that is all listeners have received the initialisation event, and the backend has been put into service,.
      backend - The backend that has been initialized and has been put into service.
    • performBackendPreFinalizationProcessing

      default void performBackendPreFinalizationProcessing(LocalBackend<?> backend)
      Performs any processing that may be required before starting the finalisation cycle, that is invoked before any listener receive the Finalization event.
      backend - The backend that is about to be finalized.
    • performBackendPostFinalizationProcessing

      default void performBackendPostFinalizationProcessing(String backendId, Predicate<Dn> handlesEntry)
      Performs any processing that may be required whenever a backend is finalized. This method will be invoked after the backend has been taken out of service and after it has been finalized.
      backendId - The backend ID of the backend that has been taken out of service.
      handlesEntry - A predicate which can be used for determining whether the finalized backend contained an entry.