Class MonitorProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
EntryCache, FileChangelogDB, HealthStatusMonitorProvider, JvmMonitorProvider, KeyManagerProvider.CertificateMonitor, LocalBackendMonitor, ReplicationServerDomain

public abstract class MonitorProvider extends Object implements MeterBinder
This class defines the set of methods and structures that must be implemented by a Directory Server module that can provide usage, performance, availability, or other kinds of monitor information to clients.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MonitorProvider

      public MonitorProvider()
  • Method Details

    • configurationDnToMonitorDn

      public static Dn configurationDnToMonitorDn(Dn configDn)
      Convenience method for mapping a component's configuration DN to its equivalent monitoring DN.

      For example, a component with the name cn=LDAP,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=config will be mapped to cn=LDAP,cn=Connection Handlers,cn=monitor.

      configDn - The component's configuration DN.
      The equivalent monitor DN.
    • getMonitorInstanceDn

      public final Dn getMonitorInstanceDn()
      Returns the DN of this monitor provider. It should be unique among all monitor providers, including all instances of the same monitor provider.
      The DN of this monitor provider.
    • computeMonitorInstanceDn

      protected abstract Dn computeMonitorInstanceDn()
      Returns the monitor instance DN for this monitor provider.
      the monitor instance DN.
    • addMonitorObjectClassNames

      protected abstract void addMonitorObjectClassNames(Attribute objectClassAttribute)
      Adds to the provided attribute the objectclass names that should be included in the monitor entry created from this monitor provider. This method should be implemented by child classes to make it easier to search for monitor entries of a specific type.
      objectClassAttribute - the objectClass attribute where to add the object class names
    • bindTo

      public abstract void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry)

      Implementation considerations

      Implementations MUST set the registry field by creating a new MeterRegistryHolder, and specifying the appropriate prefix for the dimensional model and also the hierarchical model if they are different. This can be done using a parameter on the constructor, or the MeterRegistryHolder.hierarchicalNamePrefix(String) method. Tags common to all metrics for this monitor provider can also be set using the MeterRegistryHolder.tag(String, String) method.

      Attribute names are then registered by calling factory methods on the registry field.

      Sample dummy implementation

      (Please remove the comments when using this code as a template)

       public void bindTo(final MeterRegistry parent) {
           // create the MeterRegistryHolder wrapping OpenDJ's MeterRegistry
           registry = new MeterRegistryHolder("dimensional-name-prefix", parent)
                    .tag("label", "dimension")
           // register the metrics against the wrapper
           registry.numberGauge("gauge", numberSupplier); // use lambdas or method references here
           timer = registry.timer("requests-submitted");
           // set a different name for the metric in cn=monitor, dimensional model and hierarchical model
           Gauge.doubleGauge(dimensionalName, supplier)
                .tag(MeterRegistryHolder.TAG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "cn-monitor-name") // drop the "ds-mon-" prefix here
           // this gauge will only output to cn=monitor based monitoring endpoints
           registry.monitoringGauge("only-visible-in-cn-monitor", supplier);
      Specified by:
      bindTo in interface MeterBinder
    • deregisterAll

      public void deregisterAll()
      Deregisters all the meters registered by this monitor provider.
    • getMonitorEntry

      public Entry getMonitorEntry(Schema schema)
      Generates and returns a monitor entry based on the contents of this monitor provider.
      schema - the schema
      The monitor entry generated from the information of this provided monitor provider.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object