Interface KeywordBindRule

All Known Implementing Classes:
AuthMethod, DayOfWeek, DNS, IP, SSF, TimeOfDay, UserAttr, UserDN

public interface KeywordBindRule
This interface represents a keyword bind rule class that can evaluate an evaluation context. It defines a single function that each of the keyword functions implement (ip, dns, roledn, groupdn, ...)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Evaluate a bind rule using the passed in context.
    Appends a string representation of this object to the provided buffer.
  • Method Details

    • evaluate

      EnumEvalResult evaluate(AciEvalContext evalCtx)
      Evaluate a bind rule using the passed in context.
      evalCtx - An evaluation context to use in the evaluation.
      An enumeration evaluation result.
    • toString

      void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
      Appends a string representation of this object to the provided buffer.
      buffer - The buffer into which a string representation of this object should be appended.