Class SaltedSHA512PasswordStorageScheme


public final class SaltedSHA512PasswordStorageScheme extends PasswordStorageScheme<C>
This class defines a Directory Server password storage scheme based on the 512-bit SHA-2 algorithm defined in FIPS 180-2. This is a one-way digest algorithm so there is no way to retrieve the original clear-text version of the password from the hashed value (although this means that it is not suitable for things that need the clear-text password like DIGEST-MD5). The values that it generates are also salted, which protects against dictionary attacks. It does this by generating a 64-bit random salt which is appended to the clear-text value. A SHA-2 hash is then generated based on this, the salt is appended to the hash, and then the entire value is base64-encoded.
  • Constructor Details

    • SaltedSHA512PasswordStorageScheme

      public SaltedSHA512PasswordStorageScheme()
  • Method Details

    • getStorageSchemeName

      public String getStorageSchemeName()
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Retrieves the name of the password storage scheme provided by this handler.
      The name of the password storage scheme provided by this handler.
    • getAuthPasswordSchemeName

      public String getAuthPasswordSchemeName()
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Retrieves the scheme name that should be used with this password storage scheme when it is used in the context of the authentication password syntax. This default implementation will return the same value as the getStorageSchemeName method.
      The scheme name that should be used with this password storage scheme when it is used in the context of the authentication password syntax.
    • getMessageDigestAlgorithm

      protected String getMessageDigestAlgorithm()
      Returns the algorithm to use for computing digests.
      the algorithm to use for computing digests
    • getDigestSize

      protected int getDigestSize()
      Returns the number of bytes the digest algorithm produces.
      the number of bytes the digest algorithm produces
    • encodeOffline

      public static String encodeOffline(byte[] passwordBytes) throws LdapException
      Generates an encoded password string from the given clear-text password. This method is primarily intended for use when it is necessary to generate a password with the server offline (e.g., when setting the initial root user password).
      passwordBytes - The bytes that make up the clear-text password.
      The encoded password string, including the scheme name in curly braces.
      LdapException - If a problem occurs during processing.
    • initializePasswordStorageScheme

      public void initializePasswordStorageScheme(SaltedSha512PasswordStorageSchemeCfg configuration, ServerContext serverContext) throws InitializationException
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Initializes this password storage scheme handler based on the information in the provided configuration entry. It should also register itself with the Directory Server for the particular storage scheme that it will manage.
      Specified by:
      initializePasswordStorageScheme in class PasswordStorageScheme<C extends PasswordStorageSchemeCfg>
      configuration - The configuration entry that contains the information to use to initialize this password storage scheme handler.
      serverContext - The server context
      InitializationException - If a problem occurs during initialization that is not related to the server configuration.
    • encodePassword

      public ByteString encodePassword(ByteString plaintext) throws LdapException
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Encodes the provided plaintext password for this storage scheme, without the name of the associated scheme. Note that the provided plaintext password should not be altered in any way.
      Specified by:
      encodePassword in class PasswordStorageScheme<C extends PasswordStorageSchemeCfg>
      plaintext - The plaintext version of the password.
      The password that has been encoded using this storage scheme.
      LdapException - If a problem occurs while processing.
    • passwordMatches

      public boolean passwordMatches(ByteString plaintextPassword, ByteString storedPassword)
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Indicates whether the provided plaintext password included in a bind request matches the given stored value. The provided stored value should not include the scheme name in curly braces.
      Specified by:
      passwordMatches in class PasswordStorageScheme<C extends PasswordStorageSchemeCfg>
      plaintextPassword - The plaintext password provided by the user as part of a simple bind attempt.
      storedPassword - The stored password to compare against the provided plaintext password.
      true if the provided plaintext password matches the provided stored password, or false if not.
    • supportsAuthPasswordSyntax

      public boolean supportsAuthPasswordSyntax()
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Indicates whether this password storage scheme supports the ability to interact with values using the authentication password syntax defined in RFC 3112.
      supportsAuthPasswordSyntax in class PasswordStorageScheme<C extends PasswordStorageSchemeCfg>
      true if this password storage scheme supports the ability to interact with values using the authentication password syntax, or false if it does not.
    • encodeAuthPassword

      public ByteString encodeAuthPassword(ByteString plaintext) throws LdapException
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Encodes the provided plaintext password for this storage scheme using the authentication password syntax defined in RFC 3112. Note that the provided plaintext password should not be altered in any way.
      encodeAuthPassword in class PasswordStorageScheme<C extends PasswordStorageSchemeCfg>
      plaintext - The plaintext version of the password.
      The password that has been encoded in the authentication password syntax.
      LdapException - If a problem occurs while processing of if this storage scheme does not support the authentication password syntax.
    • authPasswordMatches

      public boolean authPasswordMatches(ByteString plaintextPassword, String authInfo, String authValue)
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Indicates whether the provided plaintext password matches the encoded password using the authentication password syntax with the given authInfo and authValue components.

      This is the historical method signature used by clients' custom password storage scheme. Be careful to not modify it.

      authPasswordMatches in class PasswordStorageScheme<C extends PasswordStorageSchemeCfg>
      plaintextPassword - The plaintext password provided by the user.
      authInfo - The authInfo component of the password encoded in the authentication password syntax.
      authValue - The authValue component of the password encoded in the authentication password syntax.
      true if the provided plaintext password matches the encoded password according to the authentication password info syntax, or false if it does not or this storage scheme does not support the authentication password syntax.
    • isStorageSchemeSecure

      public boolean isStorageSchemeSecure()
      Description copied from class: PasswordStorageScheme
      Indicates whether this password storage scheme should be considered "secure". If the encoding used for this scheme does not obscure the value at all, or if it uses a method that is trivial to reverse (e.g., base64), then it should not be considered secure.

      This may be used to determine whether a password may be included in a set of search results, including the possibility of overriding access controls in the case that access controls would allow the password to be returned but the password is considered too insecure to reveal.
      Specified by:
      isStorageSchemeSecure in class PasswordStorageScheme<C extends PasswordStorageSchemeCfg>
      false if it may be trivial to discover the original plain-text password from the encoded form, or true if the scheme offers sufficient protection that revealing the encoded password will not easily reveal the corresponding plain-text value.