Class PasswordPolicyImportPlugin

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurationChangeListener<PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg>, ImportTaskListener

This class implements a Directory Server plugin that performs various password policy processing during an LDIF import. In particular, it ensures that all the password values are properly encoded before they are stored.
  • Constructor Details

    • PasswordPolicyImportPlugin

      public PasswordPolicyImportPlugin()
      Creates a new instance of this Directory Server plugin. Every plugin must implement a default constructor (it is the only one that will be used to create plugins defined in the configuration), and every plugin constructor must call super() as its first element.
  • Method Details

    • initializePlugin

      public void initializePlugin(Set<PluginType> pluginTypes, PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg configuration) throws ConfigException
      Description copied from class: DirectoryServerPlugin
      Performs any initialization necessary for this plugin. This will be called as soon as the plugin has been loaded and before it is registered with the server.
      Specified by:
      initializePlugin in class DirectoryServerPlugin<PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg>
      pluginTypes - The set of plugin types that indicate the ways in which this plugin will be invoked.
      configuration - The configuration for this plugin.
      ConfigException - If the provided entry does not contain a valid configuration for this plugin.
    • processImportBegin

      public void processImportBegin(LocalBackend<?> backend, LDIFImportConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: ImportTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary just before the server begins processing on an LDIF import task. This should include pausing interaction with the provided backend while the import is in progress.
      Specified by:
      processImportBegin in interface ImportTaskListener
      backend - The backend to be imported.
      config - Configuration information about the LDIF import to be performed.
    • processImportEnd

      public void processImportEnd(LocalBackend<?> backend, LDIFImportConfig config, boolean successful)
      Description copied from interface: ImportTaskListener
      Performs any processing that might be necessary after the server has completed processing on an LDIF import task. Note that this will always be called when import processing completes, regardless of whether it was successful.
      Specified by:
      processImportEnd in interface ImportTaskListener
      backend - The backend that was imported.
      config - Configuration information about the LDIF import that was performed.
      successful - Indicates whether the import operation completed successfully.
    • doLDIFImport

      public PluginResult.ImportLDIF doLDIFImport(LDIFImportConfig importConfig, Entry entry)
      Description copied from class: DirectoryServerPlugin
      Performs any necessary processing that should be done during an LDIF import operation immediately after reading an entry and confirming that it should be imported based on the provided configuration.
      doLDIFImport in class DirectoryServerPlugin<PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg>
      importConfig - The configuration used for the LDIF import.
      entry - The entry that has been read to the LDIF file.
      The result of the plugin processing.
    • isConfigurationAcceptable

      public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable(PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg config, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
      Description copied from class: DirectoryServerPlugin
      Indicates whether the provided configuration is acceptable for this plugin. It should be possible to call this method on an uninitialized plugin instance in order to determine whether the plugin would be able to use the provided configuration.
      isConfigurationAcceptable in class DirectoryServerPlugin<PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg>
      config - The plugin configuration for which to make the determination.
      unacceptableReasons - A list that may be used to hold the reasons that the provided configuration is not acceptable.
      true if the provided configuration is acceptable for this plugin, or false if not.
    • isConfigurationChangeAcceptable

      public boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg configuration, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationChangeListener
      Indicates whether the proposed change to the configuration is acceptable to this change listener.
      Specified by:
      isConfigurationChangeAcceptable in interface ConfigurationChangeListener<PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg>
      configuration - The new configuration containing the changes.
      unacceptableReasons - A list that can be used to hold messages about why the provided configuration is not acceptable.
      Returns true if the proposed change is acceptable, or false if it is not.
    • applyConfigurationChange

      public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationChange(PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg configuration)
      Description copied from interface: ConfigurationChangeListener
      Applies the configuration changes to this change listener.
      Specified by:
      applyConfigurationChange in interface ConfigurationChangeListener<PasswordPolicyImportPluginCfg>
      configuration - The new configuration containing the changes.
      Returns information about the result of changing the configuration.