Class AttrHistoricalSingle


public final class AttrHistoricalSingle extends AttrHistorical
This class is used to store historical information for single valued attributes. One object of this type is created for each attribute that was changed in the entry. It allows to record the last time a given value was added, and the last time the whole attribute was deleted.
  • Method Details

    • getDeleteTime

      public CSN getDeleteTime()
      Description copied from class: AttrHistorical
      Returns the last time when this attribute was deleted.
      Specified by:
      getDeleteTime in class AttrHistorical
      the last time when this attribute was deleted
    • getValuesHistorical

      public Set<AttrValueHistorical> getValuesHistorical()
      Description copied from class: AttrHistorical
      Get the historical informations for this attribute Info.
      Specified by:
      getValuesHistorical in class AttrHistorical
      the historical informations
    • containsAddedValue

      public boolean containsAddedValue(ByteString normalizedValue, ByteString value)
      Description copied from class: AttrHistorical
      Returns true if this historical information contains add or replace meta-data for the provided attribute value.
      Specified by:
      containsAddedValue in class AttrHistorical
      normalizedValue - The normalized attribute value.
      value - The attribute value.
      true if this historical information contains add or replace meta-data for the provided attribute value.
    • processLocalOrNonConflictModification

      public void processLocalOrNonConflictModification(CSN csn, Modification mod)
      Description copied from class: AttrHistorical
      This method calculates the historical information and update the hist attribute to store the historical information for modify operation that does not conflict with previous operation. This is the usual path and should therefore be optimized.

      It does not check if the operation to process is conflicting or not with previous operations. The caller is responsible for this.

      Specified by:
      processLocalOrNonConflictModification in class AttrHistorical
      csn - The CSN of the operation to process
      mod - The modify operation to process.
    • replayOperation

      public Modification replayOperation(CSN csn, Entry modifiedEntry, Modification mod)
      Description copied from class: AttrHistorical
      This method will be called when replaying an operation. It should use whatever historical information is stored in this class to solve the conflict and return the modification that will actually have to be replayed.
      Specified by:
      replayOperation in class AttrHistorical
      csn - The CSN associated to the operation.
      modifiedEntry - The entry modified by this operation.
      mod - The modification.
      The modification which should be replayed, or null if the modification should not be replayed.
    • assign

      Description copied from class: AttrHistorical
      Assign the provided historical value to this object.
      Specified by:
      assign in class AttrHistorical
      histVal - the historical value
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object