Class HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl extends Object implements MatchingRuleImpl
Matching rule used to establish an order between historical information and index them.
  • Constructor Details

    • HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl

      public HistoricalCsnOrderingMatchingRuleImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getType

      Description copied from interface: MatchingRuleImpl
      Returns the type of this matching rule.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface MatchingRuleImpl
      the type of this matching rule.
    • normalizeAttributeValue

      public ByteString normalizeAttributeValue(Schema schema, ByteString value) throws DecodeException
      Description copied from interface: MatchingRuleImpl
      Retrieves the normalized form of the provided attribute value, which is best suited for efficiently performing matching operations on that value. Equality and ordering matching rules should return a normalized representation which can be compared with other normalized values using ByteString.equals(Object) and ByteString.compareTo(ByteString).
      Specified by:
      normalizeAttributeValue in interface MatchingRuleImpl
      schema - The schema in which this matching rule is defined.
      value - The attribute value to be normalized.
      The normalized version of the provided attribute value.
      DecodeException - If an syntax error occurred while parsing the value.
    • getAssertion

      public Assertion getAssertion(Schema schema, ByteString value) throws DecodeException
      Description copied from interface: MatchingRuleImpl
      Compiles the provided assertion value as an Assertion suitable for use with equalityMatch, approxMatch and extensibleMatch search filters.
      Specified by:
      getAssertion in interface MatchingRuleImpl
      schema - The schema in which this matching rule is defined.
      value - The assertion value.
      The compiled assertion.
      DecodeException - If the assertion value does not conform to the matching rule's assertion syntax.
    • getOrderingAssertion

      public Assertion getOrderingAssertion(Schema schema, ByteString lower, ByteString upper, boolean lowerIncluded, boolean upperIncluded) throws DecodeException
      Description copied from interface: MatchingRuleImpl
      Compiles the provided ordering assertion value range as an Assertion suitable for use with ordering search filters, including greaterOrEqual and lessOrEqual.
      Specified by:
      getOrderingAssertion in interface MatchingRuleImpl
      schema - The schema in which this matching rule is defined.
      lower - The lower bound assertion value, or null if there is no lower bound and the range will start from the smallest key.
      upper - The upper bound assertion value to be normalized, or null if there is no upper bound and the range will end at the largest key.
      lowerIncluded - true if a key exactly matching the lower bound is included in the range, false if only keys strictly greater than the lower bound are included. This value is ignored if the lower bound is not specified.
      upperIncluded - true if a key exactly matching the upper bound is included in the range, false if only keys strictly less than the upper bound are included. This value is ignored if the upper bound is not specified.
      The compiled ordering assertion.
      DecodeException - If the upper or lower bounds do not conform to the matching rule's assertion syntax or if the matching rule does not support ordering matching.
    • createIndexers

      public Collection<? extends Indexer> createIndexers(Schema schema, IndexingOptions options)
      Description copied from interface: MatchingRuleImpl
      Returns the indexers for this matching rule.
      Specified by:
      createIndexers in interface MatchingRuleImpl
      schema - The schema in which this matching rule is defined.
      options - The indexing options.
      a non null collection of indexers for this matching rule.