Class ModifyDNMsg

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ModifyDNMsg extends ModifyCommonMsg
Message used to send Modify DN information.
  • Constructor Details

    • ModifyDNMsg

      public ModifyDNMsg(PostOperationModifyDNOperation operation)
      Builds a ModifyDNMsg.
      operation - the modify DN operation that will be used to build the ModifyDNMsg
    • ModifyDNMsg

      public ModifyDNMsg(Dn dn, CSN csn, UUID entryUUID, UUID newSuperiorEntryUUID, boolean deleteOldRdn, Dn newSuperior, Rdn newRDN)
      Construct a new Modify DN message (no mods). Note: Keep this constructor version to support already written tests, not using mods.
      dn - The dn to use for building the message.
      csn - The CSN to use for building the message.
      entryUUID - The unique id to use for building the message.
      newSuperiorEntryUUID - The new parent unique id to use for building the message.
      deleteOldRdn - boolean indicating if old rdn must be deleted to use for building the message.
      newSuperior - The new Superior entry to use for building the message.
      newRDN - The new Rdn to use for building the message.
    • ModifyDNMsg

      public ModifyDNMsg(Dn dn, CSN csn, UUID entryUUID, UUID newSuperiorEntryUUID, boolean deleteOldRdn, Dn newSuperior, Rdn newRDN, List<Modification> mods)
      Construct a new Modify DN message (with mods).
      dn - The dn to use for building the message.
      csn - The CSNto use for building the message.
      entryUUID - The unique id to use for building the message.
      newSuperiorEntryUUID - The new parent unique id to use for building the message.
      deleteOldRdn - boolean indicating if old rdn must be deleted to use for building the message.
      newSuperior - The new Superior entry to use for building the message.
      newRDN - The new Rdn to use for building the message.
      mods - The mod of the operation.
    • ModifyDNMsg

      public ModifyDNMsg(CSN csn, Dn dn, UUID entryUUID, Rdn newRdn, Dn newSuperior, UUID newSuperiorEntryUUID, boolean deleteOldRdn, byte[] encodedMods, byte[] encodedEclIncludes)
      Creates a new ModifyDN message.
      dn - The dn to use for building the message.
      csn - The CSNto use for building the message.
      entryUUID - The unique id to use for building the message.
      newRdn - The new Rdn to use for building the message.
      newSuperiorEntryUUID - The new parent unique id to use for building the message.
      deleteOldRdn - boolean indicating if old rdn must be deleted to use for building the message.
      newSuperior - The new Superior entry to use for building the message.
      encodedMods - The encodedMods of the operation.
      encodedEclIncludes - The encodedEclIncludes of the operation.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      public <E extends Exception> void accept(UpdateMsgVisitor<E> visitor) throws E
      Description copied from class: UpdateMsg
      Applies an UpdateMsgVisitor to this UpdateMsg.
      Specified by:
      accept in class UpdateMsg
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of the exception thrown by the visitor method if it fails, or NeverThrowsException if the visitor cannot fail.
      visitor - The message visitor.
      E - If the visitor failed.
    • createRequest

      public ModifyDnRequest createRequest(Dn newDN) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: LDAPUpdateMsg
      Create a request from this message using the provided DN.
      Specified by:
      createRequest in class LDAPUpdateMsg
      newDN - the DN to use when creating the request.
      the created request
      LdapException - In case of LDAP decoding exception
      IOException - In case of ASN1 decoding exception
    • getBytesLatest

      public byte[] getBytesLatest(short protocolVersion)
      Description copied from class: LDAPUpdateMsg
      Get the byte array representation of this message.

      This uses the provided version number which must be at least version 4.

      Specified by:
      getBytesLatest in class LDAPUpdateMsg
      protocolVersion - the actual protocol version to encode into
      The byte array representation of this Message.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class LDAPUpdateMsg
    • toJson

      public JsonValue toJson()
      Description copied from class: UpdateMsg
      Returns the json representation of this update message.
      toJson in class LDAPUpdateMsg
      The json representation of this update message.
    • setNewSuperior

      public void setNewSuperior(Dn newSuperior)
      Set the new superior.
      newSuperior - the new superior.
    • getNewSuperior

      public Dn getNewSuperior()
      Get the new superior.
      The new superior.
    • getNewSuperiorEntryUUID

      public UUID getNewSuperiorEntryUUID()
      Get the new superior id.
      The new superior id.
    • deleteOldRdn

      public boolean deleteOldRdn()
      Get the delete old rdn option.
      The delete old rdn option.
    • setDeleteOldRdn

      public void setDeleteOldRdn(boolean delete)
      Set the delete old rdn option.
      delete - The delete old rdn option.
    • getDeleteOldRdn

      public boolean getDeleteOldRdn()
      Get the delete old rdn option.
      true if delete old rdn option
    • getNewRDN

      public Rdn getNewRDN()
      Get the new RDN of this operation.
      The new RDN of this operation.
    • setNewRDN

      public void setNewRDN(Rdn newRDN)
      Set the new RDN of this operation.
      newRDN - the new RDN of this operation.
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from class: UpdateMsg
      Return the number of bytes used by this message.
      Specified by:
      size in class LDAPUpdateMsg
      The number of bytes used by this message.