Class TopologyMsg


public final class TopologyMsg extends ReplicationMsg
This class defines a message that is sent:
  • By a RS to the other RSs in the topology, containing:
    • every DSs directly connected to the RS in the DS infos
    • every connected RSs (including the sending RS) in the RS infos
  • By a RS to his connected DSs, containing.
    • every DSs the RS knows, except the destinator DS in the DS infos
    • every connected RSs (including the sending RS) in the RS infos
Exchanging these messages allows to have each RS or DS take appropriate decisions according to the current topology:
  • a RS can route a message to a DS
  • a DS can decide towards which peer DS send referrals ...

Its network encoding changed in V11 by using a simplified format, in ASN.1. The new definition is as follows:

 TopologyMsg ::= [APPLICATION 1] CHOICE {
      v11 PayloadV11

 PayloadV11 ::= SEQUENCE {
      dsInfo ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {
          protocolVersion     INTEGER
          replicaId           PrintableString
          adminEndpoint       PrintableString
          groupId             PrintableString
          replicationServerId PrintableString
          generationId        INTEGER
          status              INTEGER
          processId           ProcessID
          refUrls ::= SET OF {
              url             PrintableString
          eclIncludes :: SET OF {
              attributeName   PrintableString
          eclIncludesForDeletes ::= SET OF {
              attributeName   PrintableString
          adminHostPorts      HostPorts
          ldapEndpoints ::= SEQUENCE {
              connSecurity    INTEGER
              endpoints       HostPorts
      rsInfo ::= SET OF SEQUENCE {
          replicationServerId PrintableString
          changelogEndpoint   PrintableString
          groupId             PrintableString
          generationId        INTEGER
          weight              INTEGER
          processId           ProcessID
          adminEndpoints      HostPorts

 ProcessID ::= SEQUENCE {
     mostSigBits     INTEGER
     leastSigBits    INTEGER

 HostPorts ::= SET OF {
     host        PrintableString
     port        INTEGER
  • Constructor Details

    • TopologyMsg

      public TopologyMsg(Collection<DSInfo> dsInfos, List<RSInfo> rsInfos)
      Creates a new message of the currently connected servers.
      dsInfos - The collection of currently connected DS servers ID.
      rsInfos - The list of currently connected RS servers ID.
  • Method Details

    • getBytes

      public byte[] getBytes(short version)
      Description copied from class: ReplicationMsg
      Serializes the PDU using the provided replication protocol version. WARNING: should be overwritten by a PDU (sub class) we want to support older protocol version serialization for.
      Specified by:
      getBytes in class ReplicationMsg
      version - The protocol version to use for serialization. The version should normally be older than the current one.
      The encoded PDU, or null if the message isn't supported in that protocol version.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getReplicaInfos

      public List<DSInfo> getReplicaInfos()
      Returns the information about DSs in the topology.
      The DS infos
    • getRsInfos

      public List<RSInfo> getRsInfos()
      Get the RS infos.
      The RS infos