Interface TaskScheduleInformation

public interface TaskScheduleInformation
Interface for tools that are capable of scheduling a task remotely through the task backend.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addTaskAttributes

      void addTaskAttributes(Entry taskEntry)
      Adds utility specific attributes to the provided task entry that is added to the task backend.
      taskEntry - The task Entry to update.
    • getTaskObjectclass

      String getTaskObjectclass()
      Gets the objectclass used to represent scheduled instances of this utility in the task backend.
      String representation of this utilities objectclass
    • getTaskClass

      Class<?> getTaskClass()
      Gets the Class that implements the utility to execute.
      class of the tasks implementation
    • getStartDateTime

      Instant getStartDateTime()
      Gets the date at which this task should be scheduled to start.
      date/time at which the task should be scheduled
    • getTaskId

      String getTaskId()
      Gets an arbitrary task id assigned to this task.
      assigned task id if any or null otherwise.
    • getRecurringDateTime

      String getRecurringDateTime()
      Gets the date/time pattern for recurring task schedule.
      recurring date/time pattern at which the task should be scheduled.
    • getDependencyIds

      Collection<String> getDependencyIds()
      Gets a list of task IDs upon which this task is dependent.
      list of task IDs
    • getFailedDependencyAction

      FailedDependencyAction getFailedDependencyAction()
      Gets the action to take should one of the dependent task fail.
      action to take
    • getNotifyUponCompletionEmailAddresses

      Collection<String> getNotifyUponCompletionEmailAddresses()
      Gets a list of email address to which an email will be sent when this task completes.
      list of email addresses
    • getNotifyUponErrorEmailAddresses

      Collection<String> getNotifyUponErrorEmailAddresses()
      Gets a list of email address to which an email will be sent if this task encounters an error during execution.
      list of email addresses
    • getDescription

      default String getDescription()
      Gets the description of this task or null if there is none.
      The description of this task or null if there is none.