Class SizeBasedRetentionPolicy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SizeBasedRetentionPolicy
    extends Object
    implements RetentionPolicy
    Created a size based file retention policy. This policy stores a set number of archived files.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SizeBasedRetentionPolicy

        public SizeBasedRetentionPolicy​(int maxNumberOfFiles)
        Constructs a SizeBasedRetentionPolicy with a given maximum number of archived files. A negative value disables pruning of old archive files.
        maxNumberOfFiles - The maximum number of archive files to keep. A negative value will disable pruning old archive files.
    • Method Detail

      • deleteFiles

        public List<File> deleteFiles​(boolean hasRotated,
                                      FileNamingPolicy fileNamingPolicy)
        Description copied from interface: RetentionPolicy
        Returns all files that should be deleted according to the policy.
        Specified by:
        deleteFiles in interface RetentionPolicy
        hasRotated - true if one of the rotation policies rotated the file at last call.
        fileNamingPolicy - The naming policy used generate the log file names.
        Not-null, An array of files that should be deleted according to the policy.