Class Applications

    • Method Detail

      • simpleCrestApplication

        public static CrestApplication simpleCrestApplication​(ConnectionFactory factory,
                                                              String id,
                                                              String version)
        Create a simple CrestApplication using the provided factory, id and version.
        factory - The factory.
        id - The id.
        version - The version.
        The application.
      • multipartCrestApplication

        public static CrestApplication multipartCrestApplication​(ConnectionFactory factory,
                                                                 String id,
                                                                 String version)
        Create a simple CrestApplication that allows multipart/form-data requests using the provided factory, id and version.

        SECURITY WARNING: You MUST ensure that adequate CSRF defenses are in place if enabling this option and using cookie-based authentication for web browser clients. Multipart requests are allowed cross-origin with no restrictions by web browsers and do not trigger same-origin or CORS protections.

        factory - The factory.
        id - The id.
        version - The version.
        The application.