Class ReverseProxyHandlerHeaplet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ReverseProxyHandlerHeaplet
    extends HttpClientHandlerHeaplet
    Creates a reverse proxy Handler in a heap environment.

    A reverse proxy Handler serves the purpose of proxying requests from the client to the protected application.

    It supports the following configuration items:

         "config": {
           "websocket": {
               "enabled": false,
               "soTimeout: "10 seconds",
               "connectionTimeout": "10 seconds",
               "tls": "RefToTlsOptions",
               "proxyOptions": "myProxyOptions"

    The websocket optional attribute, if present gives access to Web Socket specific configuration options. It's disabled by default, and if the inner attributes are not valued, they default to the corresponding attribute's value in the ClientHandler configuration (/websocket/soTimeout -> /soTimeout for instance).

    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        public static final String CONFIG_WEBSOCKET
        Constant for the configuration websocket.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReverseProxyHandlerHeaplet

        public ReverseProxyHandlerHeaplet()