Interface IdentityAssertionPluginTechPreview

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IdentityAssertionPluginTechPreview
    Implementations of this interface carry out some user processing and returns the claims that should be included in the Assertion JWT in the IdentityAssertionClaims. The processing may include some form of local authentication and/or authorization.
    • Method Detail

      • preProcessingFilter

        default Filter preProcessingFilter()
        Return a Filter to deal with any pre-processing requirements. The default implementation simply calls the next Handler without doing any processing.
        a Filter to deal with any pre-processing requirements.
      • process

        Promise<IdentityAssertionClaims,​IdentityAssertionException> process​(Context context,
                                                                                  Request request,
                                                                                  Map<String,​Object> incomingClaims)
        Preform some processing and return a set of claims to be returned in the Assertion JWT. The processing may include some form of local authentication and/or authorization.
        context - The context.
        request - The request.
        incomingClaims - The claims provided in the JWT from the requester based on the incoming claim keys.
        An IdentityAssertionClaims promise that represents claims to be returned in the Assertion JWT.