Class PolicyEnforcementFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PolicyEnforcementFilter
    extends Object
    implements Filter
    This filter requests policy decisions from Access Management which evaluates the original URI based on the context and the policies configured, and according to the decisions, allows or denies the current request.

    If the decision denies the request, a 403 FORBIDDEN is returned. If an error occurred during the process, a 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR is returned.

    Policy decisions are cached for each filter and eviction is based on the "time-to-live" given in the policy decision returned by AM, if this one exceed the duration expressed in the cacheMaxExpiration, then the value of cacheMaxExpiration is used to cache the policy.

          "type": "PolicyEnforcementFilter",
          "config": {
              "amService"              : AmService            [REQUIRED]
              "application"            : Expression<string>   [OPTIONAL]
              "ssoTokenSubject"        : runtime Expression<String>
                                                              [OPTIONAL - must be specified if no jwtSubject or
                                                                          claimsSubject ]
              "jwtSubject"             : runtime Expression<String>
                                                              [OPTIONAL - must be specified if no ssoTokenSubject or
                                                                          claimsSubject ]
              "claimsSubject"          : runtime Expression<Map>
                                                              [OPTIONAL - must be specified if no jwtSubject or
                                                                          ssoTokenSubject - instance of
                                                                          Map<String, Object> JWT claims ]
              "environment"            : runtime Expression<Map>
                                                              [OPTIONAL - instance of Map<String, List<Object>>]
              "failureHandler          : handler,             [OPTIONAL - default to 403]
              "resourceUriProvider"    : provider             [OPTIONAL - default to a RequestResourceUriProvider.]
                                       : Expression<string>   [OPTIONAL - The name of the request header to use for
                                                                          authentication response checks, only supported
                                                                          in combination with the SingleSignOnFilter.
                                                                          Defaults to
                                                               {@link DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATE_RESPONSE_REQUEST_HEADER_NAME}.]
              "useLegacyAdviceEncoding": Expression<boolean>  [OPTIONAL - Deprecated - as it is intended to support a very
                                                                          specific use-case. It should not be configured
                                                                          in the general case.
                                                                          If configured to true then forces use of legacy
                                                                          advice format encoding (none). Default is false,
                                                                          meaning formatting is according to AM version.]
              "cache"                  : object,              [OPTIONAL - cache configuration. Default is no caching.]
                  "enabled"            : Expression<boolean>  [OPTIONAL - default to false. Enable or not the caching of
                                                                          the policy decisions.]
                  "defaultTimeout"     : Expression<duration> [OPTIONAL - default to 1 minute. If no valid ttl value is
                                                                          provided by the policy decision, we'll cache
                                                                          it during that duration.]
                  "maximumTimeToCache" : Expression<duration> [OPTIONAL - If a ttl is provided by the policy decision
                                                                          but if it is greater that this value then
                                                                          we'll use the maximumTimeToCache ("zero" and
                                                                          "unlimited" are not acceptable values).]
                  "executor"           : executor             [OPTIONAL - By default, ForkJoinPool#commonPool()
                                                                          is used.]
                  "maximumSize"        : Expression<long>     [OPTIONAL - Sets the maximum size of the cache.]
                  "onNotificationDisconnection": enum         [OPTIONAL - What to do if AM goes offline:
                                                                          NEVER_CLEAR, CLEAR_ON_DISCONNECT,
                                                                          Default is: CLEAR_ON_DISCONNECT.]

    This heaplet adds an HeadlessAuthenticationFilter to the amHandler's chain and its role is to retrieve and set the SSO token header of this given user (REST API calls must present the session token, aka SSO Token, in an HTTP header as proof of authentication).

    The "attributes" and "advices" from the policy decision are saved in a PolicyDecisionContext.

    Example of use:

          "name": "PEPFilter",
          "type": "PolicyEnforcementFilter",
          "config": {
              "amService": "amService",
              "application": "myApplication",
              "ssoTokenSubject": "${attributes.SSOCurrentUser}",
              "claimsSubject": "${attributes.claimsSubject}",
              "environment": {
                  "DAY_OF_WEEK": [
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolicyEnforcementFilter

        public PolicyEnforcementFilter​(RequestHandler requestHandler,
                                       Handler failureHandler,
                                       SessionService sessionService,
                                       ResourceUriProvider resourceUriProvider)
        Creates a new enforcement filter.
        requestHandler - The CREST handler to use for asking the policy decisions.
        failureHandler - The handler which will be invoked when policy denies access.
        sessionService - The sessionService to use to validate the subject's token
        resourceUriProvider - A resourceUriProvider to provide the policy request resource.
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        public Promise<Response,​NeverThrowsException> filter​(Context context,
                                                                   Request request,
                                                                   Handler next)
        Description copied from interface: Filter
        Filters the request and/or response of an exchange. To pass the request to the next filter or handler in the chain, the filter calls next.handle(context, request).

        This method may elect not to pass the request to the next filter or handler, and instead handle the request itself. It can achieve this by merely avoiding a call to next.handle(context, request) and creating its own response object. The filter is also at liberty to replace a response with another of its own by intercepting the response returned by the next handler.

        Specified by:
        filter in interface Filter
        context - The request context.
        request - The request.
        next - The next filter or handler in the chain to handle the request.
        A Promise representing the response to be returned to the client.
      • setApplication

        public void setApplication​(String application)
        Sets the application where the policies are defined. If none, AM will use the iPlanetAMWebAgentService.
        application - The application where the policies are defined. If none, AM will use the iPlanetAMWebAgentService.
      • setClaimsSubject

        public void setClaimsSubject​(AsyncFunction<Bindings,​Map<String,​Object>,​NeverThrowsException> claimsSubject)
        Sets a function that returns a map of JWT claims to their values, for the subject.
        claimsSubject - A function that returns a map of JWT claims for the subject.
      • setEnvironment

        public void setEnvironment​(AsyncFunction<Bindings,​Map<String,​List<Object>>,​NeverThrowsException> environment)
        The environment passed from the client making the authorization request as a sets a map of keys to lists of values.
        environment - A function that returns a map of keys to lists of values.
      • setSsoTokenSubject

        public void setSsoTokenSubject​(Expression<String> ssoTokenSubject)
        Sets the SSO token for the subject.
        ssoTokenSubject - The SSO Token for the subject.
      • setJwtSubject

        public void setJwtSubject​(Expression<String> jwtSubject)
        Sets the JWT string for the subject.
        jwtSubject - The JWT string for the subject.