Class JwkPropertyFormatHeaplet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JwkPropertyFormatHeaplet
    extends GenericHeaplet
    Builds a JwkPropertyFormat used to decode JSON Web Key formatted keys that can be used with SecretStore mappings configuration.
           "name": "JwkPropertyFormat-1",
           "type": "JwkPropertyFormat",
    Example showing "JwkPropertyFormat" use in FileSystemSecretStore config - note the 'leaseExpiry' is applied to the secret on load:
           "type": "FileSystemSecretStore",
           "config": {
             "directory": "/path/to/openig/basedir/jwks"
             "format": "JwkPropertyFormat"
             "leaseExpiry": "2 Minutes"
    See Also:
    JwkPropertyFormat, PropertyResolverSecretStoreHeaplet
    • Constructor Detail

      • JwkPropertyFormatHeaplet

        public JwkPropertyFormatHeaplet()
    • Method Detail