Class JwkSetSecretStoreHeaplet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JwkSetSecretStoreHeaplet
    extends GenericHeaplet
    This heaplet represents an instance of a JwkSetSecretStore resolving secrets from an URL of a JSON Web Key Set(JWKSet).
           "type": "JwkSetSecretStore",
           "config": {
             "jwkUrl":                 expression                 [REQUIRED - URL to the JwkSet.]
             "leaseExpiry":            expression<duration>       [OPTIONAL - defaults to 5 minutes.]
             "handler":                handler                    [OPTIONAL - the handler to GET the JWKs URL,
                                                                            - default to ClientHandler.]
             "cacheTimeout":           duration                   [OPTIONAL - cache timeout to avoid reloading the cache
                                                                              all the time when doing encryption -
                                                                              default is "2 minutes".]
             "cacheMissCacheTime":     duration                   [OPTIONAL - the cache time before reloading the cache
                                                                              in case of a cache miss -
                                                                              default is "2 minutes".]
    Note: since 7.0.0 the cacheTimeout cannot be deactivated. Its value can not be lower than 10 seconds.


           "type": "JwkSetSecretStore",
           "config": {
             "jwkUrl": "",
             "handler": "ClientHandler"
    See Also:
    JwksStore, JwkSetSecretStore
    • Constructor Detail

      • JwkSetSecretStoreHeaplet

        public JwkSetSecretStoreHeaplet()