Class PemPropertyFormatHeaplet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PemPropertyFormatHeaplet
    extends GenericHeaplet
    Builds a PemPropertyFormat used to decode keys and certificates in a PEM format that can be used with SecretStore mappings configuration.
           "type": "PemPropertyFormat",
           "config": {
             "decryptionSecretId":           Secret ID              [OPTIONAL - used to decrypt password-encrypted
                                                                                PEM files.
                                                                                REQUIRES a "secretsProvider".]
             "secretsProvider":              Secrets Provider       [OPTIONAL - secrets provider used to retrieve
                                                                                the decryption secret.
                                                                                REQUIRED if "decryptionSecretId" is used.]
           "type": "PemPropertyFormat",
           "config": {
             "decryptionSecretId": "",
             "secretsProvider": "mySecretProvider"
    See Also:
    PemPropertyFormat, PropertyResolverSecretStoreHeaplet
    • Constructor Detail

      • PemPropertyFormatHeaplet

        public PemPropertyFormatHeaplet()
    • Method Detail