Class SecretKeyPropertyFormatHeaplet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SecretKeyPropertyFormatHeaplet
    extends GenericHeaplet
    It builds a SecretPropertyFormat that can be use with SecretStore mappings configuration.
           "type": "SecretKeyPropertyFormat",
           "config": {
             "format":                 SecretPropertyFormat       [REQUIRED - The format of the secret.]
             "algorithm":              expression                 [REQUIRED - the algorithm used for the key.]
           "type": "SecretKeyPropertyFormat",
           "config": {
             "format": "PLAIN",
             "algorithm": "AES"
    Note: the format attribute is a SecretPropertyFormat such as: SecretPropertyFormat.PLAIN, Base64PropertyFormat. The algorithm attribute value is defined in Standard Names Algorithm Parameters.
    See Also:
    // @Checkstyle:off LineLength, algorithm parameters // @Checkstyle:on LineLength
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecretKeyPropertyFormatHeaplet

        public SecretKeyPropertyFormatHeaplet()
    • Method Detail