Class ClientTlsOptionsHeaplet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClientTlsOptionsHeaplet
    extends GenericHeaplet
    Creates and initializes client-side TLS options in a heap environment.
        "type": "ClientTlsOptions",
        "config": {
          ... parameters inherited from TlsOptionsHeaplet ...
          "hostnameVerifier"           : Either STRICT or ALLOW_ALL
                                         Defaults to STRICT              [OPTIONAL]

    Note: This implementation verifies hostnames for outgoing SSL connections by default. If this gateway accesses the SSL endpoint using a raw IP address rather than a fully-qualified hostname, then you need to configure hostnameVerifier to ALLOW_ALL.
    Accepted values are:

    • STRICT (the default)

    See TlsOptionsHeaplet for a summary of the inherited configuration options.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientTlsOptionsHeaplet

        public ClientTlsOptionsHeaplet()
    • Method Detail

      • tlsOptions

        protected TlsOptions tlsOptions​(String algorithm,
                                        KeyManager[] keyManagers,
                                        TrustManager[] trustManagers,
                                        List<String> ciphers,
                                        List<String> protocols,
                                        boolean enableAlpn)
                                 throws HeapException
        Creates the Client TLS option.
        algorithm - the SSL context algorithm name
        keyManagers - the KeyManagers to use in case of MTLS
        trustManagers - the TrustManagers to use
        ciphers - the array of TLS cipher suites to allow
        protocols - the array of TLS protocols to allow
        enableAlpn - indicate if ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation, a TLS extension) enabled
        the associated TlsOptions instance.
        HeapException - should there be a configuration error