Class JwtUtil

  • public final class JwtUtil
    extends Object
    Utility methods supporting JWTs.
    • Field Detail

      • GRANT_TYPE

        public static final String GRANT_TYPE
        Claim-set grant_type key - not available in JwtClaimsSetKey.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TOKEN_NAME

        public static final String TOKEN_NAME
        Claim-set token name key - not available in JwtClaimsSetKey.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • PTR_AUD

        public static final JsonPointer PTR_AUD
        Claim-set audience JSON pointer.
      • PTR_EXP

        public static final JsonPointer PTR_EXP
        Claim-set expiry JSON pointer.
      • PTR_ISS

        public static final JsonPointer PTR_ISS
        Claim-set issuer JSON pointer.
      • PTR_NONCE

        public static final JsonPointer PTR_NONCE
        Claim-set nonce JSON pointer.

        public static final JsonPointer PTR_TOKEN_NAME
        Claim-set tokenName JSON pointer.
    • Method Detail

      • getCookieJwt

        public static Optional<String> getCookieJwt​(Request request,
                                                    String name)
        Get a JWT from a request, with a given cookie name.
        request - The request from which to obtain the JWT.
        name - The name of the cookie storing the JWT.
        Optional JWT String representation
      • getFormJwt

        public static Optional<String> getFormJwt​(Form form,
                                                  String param)
        Get the JWT from a request form parameter.
        form - The request from which to obtain the JWT.
        param - The name of the parameter holding the JWT.
        a Promise of an optional String JWT representation
      • reconstructJwt

        public static <T extends Jwt> T reconstructJwt​(String jwt,
                                                       Class<T> jwtClass)
        Reconstruct a JWT from a {code String} representation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of JWT to construct.
        jwt - The JWT String representation.
        jwtClass - The JWT class type to construct.
        JWT} subtype
      • getValue

        public static Optional<String> getValue​(JwtClaimsSet claimsSet,
                                                JsonPointer ptr)
        Return a value from it's well-known location on the OAuth2 authorization JWT.
        claimsSet - The JWT claims set.
        ptr - JsonPointer referencing claim.
        Optional String containing value