Class Requests


public final class Requests extends Object
A utility class containing various factory methods for creating and manipulating requests.
  • Method Details

    • copyOfActionRequest

      public static ActionRequest copyOfActionRequest(ActionRequest request)
      Returns a copy of the provided action request.
      request - The action request to be copied.
      The action request copy.
    • copyOfCreateRequest

      public static CreateRequest copyOfCreateRequest(CreateRequest request)
      Returns a copy of the provided create request.
      request - The create request to be copied.
      The create request copy.
    • copyOfDeleteRequest

      public static DeleteRequest copyOfDeleteRequest(DeleteRequest request)
      Returns a copy of the provided delete request.
      request - The delete request to be copied.
      The delete request copy.
    • copyOfPatchRequest

      public static PatchRequest copyOfPatchRequest(PatchRequest request)
      Returns a copy of the provided patch request.
      request - The patch request to be copied.
      The patch request copy.
    • copyOfQueryRequest

      public static QueryRequest copyOfQueryRequest(QueryRequest request)
      Returns a copy of the provided query request.
      request - The query request to be copied.
      The query request copy.
    • copyOfReadRequest

      public static ReadRequest copyOfReadRequest(ReadRequest request)
      Returns a copy of the provided read request.
      request - The read request to be copied.
      The read request copy.
    • copyOfUpdateRequest

      public static UpdateRequest copyOfUpdateRequest(UpdateRequest request)
      Returns a copy of the provided update request.
      request - The update request to be copied.
      The update request copy.
    • copyOfApiRequest

      public static Request copyOfApiRequest(Request request)
      Returns a copy of the provided api request.
      request - The api request to be copied.
      The api request copy.
    • newActionRequest

      public static ActionRequest newActionRequest(String resourcePath, String actionId)
      Returns a new action request with the provided resource path and action ID. Invoking this method as follows:
       newActionRequest("users/1", actionId);
      Is equivalent to:
       newActionRequest("users", "1", actionId);
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the first form.
      resourcePath - The URL-encoded resource path.
      actionId - The action ID.
      The new action request.
    • newActionRequest

      public static ActionRequest newActionRequest(ResourcePath resourcePath, String actionId)
      Returns a new action request with the provided resource path and action ID.
      resourcePath - The parsed resource path.
      actionId - The action ID.
      The new action request.
    • newActionRequest

      public static ActionRequest newActionRequest(String resourceContainer, String resourceId, String actionId)
      Returns a new action request with the provided resource container path, resource ID, and action ID. Invoking this method as follows:
       newActionRequest("users", "1", "someAction");
      Is equivalent to:
       newActionRequest("users/1", "someAction");
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the second form.
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      actionId - The action ID.
      The new action request.
    • newActionRequest

      public static ActionRequest newActionRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer, String resourceId, String actionId)
      Returns a new action request with the provided resource container path, resource ID, and action ID.
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      actionId - The action ID.
      The new action request.
    • newCreateRequest

      public static CreateRequest newCreateRequest(String resourceContainer, JsonValue content)
      Returns a new create request with the provided resource path, and JSON content. The create request will have a null new resource ID, indicating that the server will be responsible for generating the ID of the new resource. Invoking this method as follows:
       newCreateRequest("users/1", content);
      Is equivalent to:
       newCreateRequest("users", "1", content);
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the first form.
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container beneath which the new resource should be created.
      content - The JSON content.
      The new create request.
    • newCreateRequest

      public static CreateRequest newCreateRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer, JsonValue content)
      Returns a new create request with the provided resource path, and JSON content. The create request will have a null new resource ID, indicating that the server will be responsible for generating the ID of the new resource.
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container beneath which the new resource should be created.
      content - The JSON content.
      The new create request.
    • newCreateRequest

      public static CreateRequest newCreateRequest(String resourceContainer, String newResourceId, JsonValue content)
      Returns a new create request with the provided resource path, new resource ID, and JSON content. Invoking this method as follows:
       newCreateRequest("users", "1", content);
      Is equivalent to:
       newCreateRequest("users", content).setNewResourceId("1");
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the second form.
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container beneath which the new resource should be created.
      newResourceId - The URL decoded client provided ID of the resource to be created, or null if the server should be responsible for generating the resource ID.
      content - The JSON content.
      The new create request.
    • newCreateRequest

      public static CreateRequest newCreateRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer, String newResourceId, JsonValue content)
      Returns a new create request with the provided resource path, new resource ID, and JSON content.
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container beneath which the new resource should be created.
      newResourceId - The URL decoded client provided ID of the resource to be created, or null if the server should be responsible for generating the resource ID.
      content - The JSON content.
      The new create request.
    • newDeleteRequest

      public static DeleteRequest newDeleteRequest(String resourcePath)
      Returns a new delete request with the provided resource path. Invoking this method as follows:
      Is equivalent to:
       newDeleteRequest("users", "1");
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the first form.
      resourcePath - The URL-encoded resource path.
      The new delete request.
    • newDeleteRequest

      public static DeleteRequest newDeleteRequest(ResourcePath resourcePath)
      Returns a new delete request with the provided resource path.
      resourcePath - The parsed resource path.
      The new delete request.
    • newDeleteRequest

      public static DeleteRequest newDeleteRequest(String resourceContainer, String resourceId)
      Returns a new delete request with the provided resource container path, and resource ID. Invoking this method as follows:
       newDeleteRequest("users", "1");
      Is equivalent to:
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the second form.
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      The new delete request.
    • newDeleteRequest

      public static DeleteRequest newDeleteRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer, String resourceId)
      Returns a new delete request with the provided resource container path, and resource ID.
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      The new delete request.
    • newPatchRequest

      public static PatchRequest newPatchRequest(String resourcePath, PatchOperation... operations)
      Returns a new patch request with the provided resource path and JSON patch operations. Invoking this method as follows:
       newPatchRequest("users/1", operations);
      Is equivalent to:
       newPatchRequest("users", "1", operations);
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the first form.
      resourcePath - The URL-encoded resource path.
      operations - The JSON patch operations.
      The new patch request.
    • newPatchRequest

      public static PatchRequest newPatchRequest(ResourcePath resourcePath, PatchOperation... operations)
      Returns a new patch request with the provided resource path and JSON patch operations.
      resourcePath - The parsed resource path.
      operations - The JSON patch operations.
      The new patch request.
    • newPatchRequest

      public static PatchRequest newPatchRequest(String resourceContainer, String resourceId, PatchOperation... operations)
      Returns a new patch request with the provided resource container path, resource ID, and JSON patch operations. Invoking this method as follows:
       newPatchRequest("users", "1", operations);
      Is equivalent to:
       newPatchRequest("users/1", operations);
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the second form.
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      operations - The JSON patch operations.
      The new patch request.
    • newPatchRequest

      public static PatchRequest newPatchRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer, String resourceId, PatchOperation... operations)
      Returns a new patch request with the provided resource container path, resource ID, and JSON patch operations.
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      operations - The JSON patch operations.
      The new patch request.
    • newQueryRequest

      public static QueryRequest newQueryRequest(String resourceContainer)
      Returns a new query request with the provided resource container path. Example:
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container.
      The new query request.
    • newQueryRequest

      public static QueryRequest newQueryRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer)
      Returns a new query request with the provided resource container path. Example:
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container.
      The new query request.
    • newReadRequest

      public static ReadRequest newReadRequest(String resourcePath)
      Returns a new read request with the provided resource path. Invoking this method as follows:
      Is equivalent to:
       newReadRequest("users", "1");
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the first form.
      resourcePath - The URL-encoded resource path.
      The new read request.
    • newReadRequest

      public static ReadRequest newReadRequest(ResourcePath resourcePath)
      Returns a new read request with the provided resource path.
      resourcePath - The parsed resource path.
      The new read request.
    • newReadRequest

      public static ReadRequest newReadRequest(String resourceContainer, String resourceId)
      Returns a new read request with the provided resource container path, and resource ID. Invoking this method as follows:
       newReadRequest("users", "1");
      Is equivalent to:
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the second form.
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      The new read request.
    • newReadRequest

      public static ReadRequest newReadRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer, String resourceId)
      Returns a new read request with the provided resource container path, and resource ID.
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      The new read request.
    • newUpdateRequest

      public static UpdateRequest newUpdateRequest(String resourcePath, JsonValue newContent)
      Returns a new update request with the provided resource path and new JSON content. Invoking this method as follows:
       newUpdateRequest("users/1", newContent);
      Is equivalent to:
       newUpdateRequest("users", "1", newContent);
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the first form.
      resourcePath - The URL-encoded resource path.
      newContent - The new JSON content.
      The new update request.
    • newUpdateRequest

      public static UpdateRequest newUpdateRequest(ResourcePath resourcePath, JsonValue newContent)
      Returns a new update request with the provided resource path and new JSON content.
      resourcePath - The parsed resource path.
      newContent - The new JSON content.
      The new update request.
    • newUpdateRequest

      public static UpdateRequest newUpdateRequest(CreateRequest createRequest)
      Returns a new update request built based on the provided create request.
      createRequest - The create request.
      The new update request.
    • newUpdateRequest

      public static UpdateRequest newUpdateRequest(String resourceContainer, String resourceId, JsonValue newContent)
      Returns a new update request with the provided resource container path, resource ID, and new JSON content. Invoking this method as follows:
       newUpdateRequest("users", "1", newContent);
      Is equivalent to:
       newUpdateRequest("users/1", newContent);
      Except that the resource ID is already URL encoded in the second form.
      resourceContainer - The URL-encoded path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      newContent - The new JSON content.
      The new update request.
    • newUpdateRequest

      public static UpdateRequest newUpdateRequest(ResourcePath resourceContainer, String resourceId, JsonValue newContent)
      Returns a new update request with the provided resource container path, resource ID, and new JSON content.
      resourceContainer - The parsed path of the resource container.
      resourceId - The URL decoded ID of the resource.
      newContent - The new JSON content.
      The new update request.
    • newApiRequest

      public static Request newApiRequest(ResourcePath path)
      Returns a new API request with the provided path.
      path - The path.
      The request.