Class DefaultRateThrottlingPolicyHeaplet

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultRateThrottlingPolicyHeaplet extends GenericHeaplet
Creates and initializes a DefaultRateThrottlingPolicy in a heap environment. Configuration options:
     "type": "DefaultRateThrottlingPolicy",
     "config": {
         "delegateThrottlingRatePolicy"  : reference or               [REQUIRED - the policy that will define the
                                           inlined declaration                    throttling rate to apply]
         "defaultRate" {                 : reference                  [OPTIONAL - the default rate to apply if
                                                                                  the delegated throttling rate
                                                                                  policy returns no rate to apply]
                "numberOfRequests"             : integer              [REQUIRED - The number of requests allowed
                                                                                  to go through this filter during
                                                                                  the duration window.]
                "duration"                     : duration             [REQUIRED - The time window during which the
                                                                                  incoming requests are counted.]
Example : it applies a rate of 15 requests / sec if the scripted throttling rate policy returns no rate.
     "type": "DefaultRateThrottlingPolicy",
     "config": {
         "delegateThrottlingRatePolicy" : "customThrottlingRatePolicy"
         "defaultRate" : {
             "numberOfRequests" : 15,
             "duration" : "1 sec"
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultRateThrottlingPolicyHeaplet

      public DefaultRateThrottlingPolicyHeaplet()
  • Method Details