Class Resolvers


public final class Resolvers extends Object
Performs object resolution by object type. A given object may have more than one resolver, depending on what class it extends and/or interfaces it implements, or what its superclasses and interfaces are.
  • Field Details


      public static final Map<Class,Resolver> SERVICES
      Mapping of supported classes to associated resolvers.
  • Method Details

    • resolvers

      public static Iterable<Resolver> resolvers(Object object)
      Provides an iterable object over the resolvers that are appropriate for a particular object. Resolvers are provided ordered from most specific to class/interface to least. Resolvers are provided through an iterator interface to avoid the overhead of determining all resolvers in advance.
      object - the object for which a set of resolvers is being sought.
      an object that returns an iterator over the set of resolvers for the object.
    • get

      public static Object get(Object object, Object element)
      Attempts to resolve an element of an object.
      object - the object in which to resolve the specified element.
      element - the element to resolve within the specified object.
      the value of the resolved element, or UNRESOLVED if it cannot be resolved.
      See Also:
    • put

      public static Object put(Object object, Object element, Object value)
      Attempts to set the value of an element of an object.
      object - the object in which to resolve the specified element.
      element - the element within the specified object whose value is to be set.
      value - the value to set the element to.
      the previous value of the element, null if no previous value, or UNRESOLVED if it cannot be resolved.
      See Also: