Class JwtSessionFilterHeaplet

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JwtSessionFilterHeaplet extends GenericHeaplet
This Heaplet is responsible for configuring and creating a JwtSession.
       "type": "JwtSession",
       "config": {
         "cookie": {         object                   [OPTIONAL - structure describing the properties of the JWT
                                                                  session cookie: ]
           "name":             expression<String>       [OPTIONAL - Name of cookie containing the IG JWT session.
                                                                    Defaults to {@link #IG_JWT_SESSION_NAME}.
           "domain":           expression<String>       [OPTIONAL - Domain that cookie is applicable to. If not set,
                                                                    the cookie will be treated as a host-based cookie
           "path":             expression<String>       [OPTIONAL - Path to apply to the cookie.
                                                                    Defaults to {@literal "/" }
           "secure":           expression<boolean>      [OPTIONAL - Determines if the cookie should be set to be
                                                                    secure. Defaults to {@code false}.
           "httpOnly":         expression<boolean>      [OPTIONAL - httpOnly flag. Defaults to {@code true}.
           "sameSite":         expression<enum>         [OPTIONAL - STRICT or LAX. Defaults to {@code null}.
         "sessionTimeout":     duration               [OPTIONAL - amount of time before the JWT session expires.
                                                                  Defaults to 30min. A duration of 0 is not valid,
                                                                  and it will be limited to a max of ~ 10 years.]
         "persistentCookie":   expression<boolean>    [OPTIONAL - specifies whether the supporting cookie will have
                                                                  an {@literal Expires} attribute (persistent cookie)
                                                                  or not (session cookie). The expiration value is
                                                                  based on the {@literal sessionTimeout} value.
                                                                  Defaults to {@code false}.]
         "authenticatedEncryptionSecretId":           [OPTIONAL - The secret ID of the encryption key
                              expression<secret-id>               used to perform authenticated encryption on the JWT.
                                                                  If not set, a key is generated automatically.]
         "encryptionMethod":  String                  [OPTIONAL - The standard names of the encryption algorithm
                                                                  to use with Authenticated Encryption.
                                                                  See RFC 7518#section-5.1 See (1).
                                                                  Defaults to A256GCM.]
         "skewAllowance":     expression<duration>    [OPTIONAL - The skew allowance to use for temporal validation
                                                                  on the {@link JwtSession}.]
         "useCompression":    boolean                 [OPTIONAL - Set to true to use compression during the building
                                                                  of the JWT. Compression can help to reduce the size
                                                                  of the final cookie value when the session is used
                                                                  to store large items such as tokens.
                                                                  Defaults to {@code false}.]
          "name": "JwtSession",
          "type": "JwtSession",
          "config": {
              "cookie": {
                  "name": "IG",
                  "domain": "",
                  "path": "/",
                  "secure": false,
                  "httpOnly": true
              "sessionTimeout": "30 minutes",
              "persistentCookie": true,
              "useCompression": true,
              "authenticatedEncryptionSecretId": ""
All the session configuration is optional: if you omit everything, the appropriate keys will be generated and the cookie name used will be IG_JWT_SESSION_NAME.

The authenticatedEncryptionSecretId is the label of a Purpose using Commons Secrets API, the secret which specifies the key used to perform authenticated encryption on the JWT.

The encryptionMethod should be one of the six standard encryption methods available: (1) @See JWE Encryption Methods

If the JWT is too big to fit in one session cookie, then the cookie will be split in multiple cookies.

  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT
      Default sessionTimeout duration.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JwtSessionFilterHeaplet

      public JwtSessionFilterHeaplet()
  • Method Details