Class ScheduledExecutorServiceHeaplet

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ScheduledExecutorServiceHeaplet extends GenericHeaplet
Heaplet for building ScheduledExecutorService instances.

Creates a thread pool that can schedule commands to run after a given delay, or to execute periodically.


         "type": "ScheduledExecutorService",
         "config": {
             "corePoolSize":  integer > 0 [ OPTIONAL - default to 1 (will grow as needed)]
             "gracefulStop":  boolean     [ OPTIONAL - default to true (all running jobs will complete)]
             "gracePeriod" :  duration    [ OPTIONAL - default to '10 second']
         "type": "ScheduledExecutorService",
         "config": {
             "corePoolSize": 42 // defaults to 1 (will grow as needed), only positive and non-zero

This class supports graceful stop. gracefulStop is a setting that allows a thread pool to wind down nicely before killing aggressively running (and submitted) jobs.

         "gracefulStop": false // defaults to true

gracefulPeriod attribute defines how long the heaplet should wait for jobs to actually terminate properly.

Note that this setting is only considered when gracefulStop is set to true.

         "gracePeriod": "20 seconds" // defaults to 10 seconds

When the period is over, if the executor service is not properly terminated, the heaplet prints a message and drains the queued tasks and notify the running tasks for interruption.

Note that all configuration attributes can be defined using static expressions (they can't be resolved against context or request objects that are not available at init time).

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ScheduledExecutorServiceHeaplet

      public ScheduledExecutorServiceHeaplet()
  • Method Details

    • create

      public ExecutorService create() throws HeapException
      Description copied from class: GenericHeaplet
      Called to request the heaplet create an object. Called by Heaplet.create(Name, JsonValue, Heap) after initializing the protected field members. Implementations should parse configuration but not acquire resources, start threads, or log any initialization messages. These tasks should be performed by the GenericHeaplet.start() method.
      Specified by:
      create in class GenericHeaplet
      The created object.
      HeapException - if an exception occurred during creation of the heap object or any of its dependencies.
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Description copied from interface: Heaplet
      Called to indicate that the object created by the heaplet is going to be dereferenced. This gives the heaplet an opportunity to free any resources that are being held prior to its dereference.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface Heaplet
      destroy in class GenericHeaplet