Class TlsOptions

Direct Known Subclasses:
ClientTlsOptions, ServerTlsOptions

public abstract class TlsOptions extends Object
Key TLS Options used by both the ClientTlsOptions and the ServerTlsOptions.
  • Method Details

    • getAlgorithm

      public String getAlgorithm()
      Returns the SSL context algorithm name (never null).
      the SSL context algorithm name (never null).
    • getKeyManagers

      public KeyManager[] getKeyManagers()
      Returns the array of KeyManager to use (may be null).
      the array of KeyManager to use (may be null).
    • getTrustManagers

      public TrustManager[] getTrustManagers()
      Returns the array of TrustManager to use (may be null).
      the array of TrustManager to use (may be null).
    • getCipherSuitesArray

      public String[] getCipherSuitesArray()
      Returns the array of cipher suites to be enabled (may be null for JVM default).
      the array of cipher suites to be enabled (may be null for JVM default).
    • getCipherSuitesList

      public List<String> getCipherSuitesList()
      Returns the list of cipher suites to be enabled (may be empty for JVM default).
      the list of cipher suites to be enabled (may be empty for JVM default).
    • getEnabledProtocolsArray

      public String[] getEnabledProtocolsArray()
      Returns the array of protocols to be enabled (may be null for JVM default).
      the array of protocols to be enabled (may be null for JVM default).
    • getEnabledProtocolsList

      public List<String> getEnabledProtocolsList()
      Returns the list of protocols to be enabled (may be empty for JVM default).
      the list of protocols to be enabled (may be empty for JVM default).
    • isAlpnEnabled

      public boolean isAlpnEnabled()
      Is ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation, a TLS extension) enabled or not ?
      true if the ALPN is enabled, false otherwise.