Interface WebSocketClientProvider

public interface WebSocketClientProvider
Provider of a WebSocket clients.
  • Method Details

    • newClient

      HttpWebSocketClient newClient(ClientTlsOptions tlsOptions, ProxyOptions proxyOptions, Duration connectionTimeout, Duration idleTimeout, JsonValue vertxConfig) throws IOException
      Creates a new WebSocket client.
      tlsOptions - Security settings for the connection (may be null)
      proxyOptions - Proxy settings for the connection (must not be null)
      connectionTimeout - Time to wait for before failing the connection (must not be null).
      idleTimeout - Time to wait without activity before closing the connection (must not be null).
      vertxConfig - The vertx configuration to pass to the underlying Vert.x Websocket client if any (must not be null).
      an HttpWebSocketClient implementation
      IOException - on any error when creating the WebSocket client