Class UmaSharingService


public class UmaSharingService extends Object
An UmaSharingService provides core UMA features to the Identity Gateway when acting as an UMA Resource Server.

It is linked to a single UMA Authorization Server.

It is also the place where protected application knowledge is described: each item of the resources array describe a resource (that can be composed of multiple endpoints) that share the same set of scopes.

Each resource contains a pattern used to define which one of them to use when a Share is created. A resource also contains a list of actions that defines the set of scopes to require when a requesting party request comes in.

         "name": "UmaService",
         "type": "UmaService",
         "config": {
           "protectionApiHandler": "HttpsClient",
           "wellKnownEndpoint": "",
           "resources": [
               "pattern": "/guillaume/.*",
               "actions" : [
                   "scopes"    : [ "" ],
                   "condition" : "${request.method == 'GET'}"
                   "scopes"    : [ "" ],
                   "condition" : "${request.method == 'DELETE'}"
Along with the UmaService, a REST endpoint is deployed in IG's API namespace: /openig/api/system/objects/../objects/[name-of-the-uma-service-object]/share. The dotted segment depends on your deployment (like which RouterHandler hosts the route that in turns contains this object).
  • Method Details

    • createShare

      public Promise<org.forgerock.openig.uma.Share,UmaException> createShare(Context context, String resourcePath, String pat)
      Creates a Share that will be used to protect the given resourcePath.
      context - Context chain used to keep a relationship between requests (tracking)
      resourcePath - resource to be protected
      pat - Protection Api Token (PAT)
      the created Share asynchronously
      See Also:
    • findShare

      public org.forgerock.openig.uma.Share findShare(Request request) throws UmaException
      Find a Share.
      request - the incoming requesting party request
      a Share to be used to protect the resource access
      UmaException - when no Share can handle the request.
    • removeShare

      public org.forgerock.openig.uma.Share removeShare(String shareId)
      Removes the previously created Share from the registered shares. In effect, the resources is no more shared/protected
      shareId - share identifier
      the removed Share instance if found, null otherwise.
    • listShares

      public Set<org.forgerock.openig.uma.Share> listShares()
      Returns a copy of the list of currently managed shares.
      a copy of the list of currently managed shares.
    • getIssuerUri

      public URI getIssuerUri()
      Returns the issuer's URI.
      the issuer's URI.
    • getPermissionEndpoint

      public URI getPermissionEndpoint()
      Returns the UMA Permission Request endpoint Uri.
      the UMA Permission Request endpoint Uri.
    • getIntrospectionEndpoint

      public URI getIntrospectionEndpoint()
      Returns the OAuth 2.0 Introspection endpoint Uri.
      the OAuth 2.0 Introspection endpoint Uri.
    • getShare

      public org.forgerock.openig.uma.Share getShare(String id)
      Returns the Share with the given id.
      id - Share identifier
      the Share with the given id (or null if none was found).