Class JsonValueUtils


public final class JsonValueUtils extends Object
Contains some JsonValue Utility methods.
  • Method Details

    • expand

      public static JsonValue expand(Map<String,Object> object)
      Expands a Json Object Map, where the keys of the map are the JsonPointer s and the values are the value the JsonPointer resolves to. For Example, the following key-value pairs
            /object/array/0 , "test"
            /object/array/1 , "test1"
            /string         , "stringVal"
            /boolean        , false
            /number         , 1
            /array/0        , "value1"
            /array/1        , "value2"
      will produce the following json object
               "object" : {
                   "array" : ["test", "test1"]
               "string" : "stringVal",
               "boolean" : false,
               "number" : 1,
               "array" : ["value1", "value2"]
      object - the Json Object Map containing the JsonPointer s and values
      the JsonValue expanded from the object map
    • flatten

      public static Map<String,Object> flatten(JsonValue jsonValue)
      Flattens a JsonValue to a Map, where the keys of the Map are JsonPointer s and the values are the value the JsonPointer s resolve to. For Example, the following JsonValue
               "object" : {
                   "array" : ["test", "test1"]
               "string" : "stringVal",
               "boolean" : false,
               "number" : 1,
               "array" : ["value1", "value2"]
      will produce the following Map key-value pairs
            /object/array/0 , "test"
            /object/array/1 , "test1"
            /string         , "stringVal"
            /boolean        , false
            /number         , 1
            /array/0        , "value1"
            /array/1        , "value2"
      jsonValue - the JsonValue object to flatten
      a Map representing the flattened JsonValue object
    • extractValueAsString

      public static String extractValueAsString(JsonValue json, String fieldName)
      Extracts String representation of field identified by fieldName from json object. JsonValue transformers are applied up to fieldName but not to its components.
      json - the JsonValue object from which to extract a value.
      fieldName - the field identifier in a form consumable by JsonPointer.
      A non-null String representation of the field's value. If the specified field is not present or has a null value, null will be returned.
    • extractValueAsString

      public static String extractValueAsString(JsonValue json, JsonPointer pointer)
      Extracts String representation of field identified by pointer from json object. JsonValue transformers are applied up to fieldName but not to its components.
      json - the JsonValue object from which to extract a value.
      pointer - the field identifier as a JsonPointer.
      A non-null String representation of the field's value. If the specified field is not present or has a null value, null will be returned.