Class ContentTypeHeader


public class ContentTypeHeader extends Header
Processes the Content-Type message header. For more information, see RFC 2616 ยง14.17.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ContentTypeHeader

      public ContentTypeHeader()
      Constructs a new empty header whose type, charset, and boundary are all null.
    • ContentTypeHeader

      @Deprecated public ContentTypeHeader(String type, String charset, String boundary)
      Constructs a new header based on message type, charset and boundary.
      type - The type/sub-type of the message.
      charset - The character set used in encoding the message.
      boundary - The boundary value provided in multipart messages.
    • ContentTypeHeader

      @Deprecated public ContentTypeHeader(String type, String charset, String boundary, Map<String,String> additionalParameters)
      Constructs a new header based on message type, charset, boundary and any additional message parameters.
      type - The type/sub-type of the message.
      charset - The character set used in encoding the message.
      boundary - The boundary value provided in multipart messages.
      additionalParameters - Any additional parameters provided in the message or an empty map if there are none.
    • ContentTypeHeader

      public ContentTypeHeader(String type, Map<String,Directive> directives)
      Constructs a new header based on message type and any message directives.
      type - The type/sub-type of the message.
      directives - Any directives provided in the message or an empty map if there are none.
  • Method Details

    • valueOf

      public static ContentTypeHeader valueOf(Message<?> message)
      Constructs a new header, initialized from the specified message.
      message - The message to initialize the header from.
      The parsed header.
    • valueOf

      public static ContentTypeHeader valueOf(String string)
      Constructs a new header, initialized from the specified string value.
      string - The value to initialize the header from.
      The parsed header.
    • getType

      public String getType()
      Returns the media type of the underlying data or null if none specified.
      The media type of the underlying data or null if none specified.
    • getCharset

      public Charset getCharset()
      Returns the character set encoding used to encode the message, or null if no character set was specified.
      The character set encoding used to encode the message or null if empty.
      IllegalCharsetNameException - if the given charset name is illegal.
      UnsupportedCharsetException - if no support for the named charset is available.
    • getBoundary

      public String getBoundary()
      Returns the encapsulation boundary or null if none specified.
      The encapsulation boundary or null if none specified.
    • getAdditionalParameters

      @Deprecated public Map<String,String> getAdditionalParameters()
      Replaced by getDirectives()
      Returns any additional parameters (other than charset and boundary) in the message or an empty map if none specified. The values will be unquoted in all cases to be consistent with existing behaviour.
      Any additional parameters (other than charset and boundary) in the message or an empty map if none specified. The values will be unquoted in all cases to be consistent with existing behaviour.
    • getDirectives

      public Map<String,Directive> getDirectives()
      Returns all directives in the message, keyed off the directive name, or an empty map if none specified.
      All directives in the message, keyed off the directive name, or an empty map if none specified.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from class: Header
      Returns the name of the header, as it would canonically appear within an HTTP message.
      Specified by:
      getName in class Header
      The name of the header, as it would canonically appear within an HTTP message.
    • getValues

      public List<String> getValues()
      Description copied from class: Header
      Returns the header as a list of strings. If the header has no values then it must return an empty list, never null. Each String should represent the value component of the key-value pair that makes up the HTTP header - as such, for some Header implementations each String in this List may contain multiple token-separated values.

      The List returned from this method should not be expected to be mutable. However, some subclasses of Header may choose to implement it as such.

      Specified by:
      getValues in class Header
      The header as a non-null list of string values. Can be an empty list.