Class DerUtils


public final class DerUtils extends Object
Utility methods for reading and writing DER-encoded values. This is just the absolute minimum needed to decode and encode ECDSA signatures to ES256 format.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final byte
    DER tag for integer values.
    static final byte
    DER tag for sequence values.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static byte[]
    decodeEcdsaSignature(byte[] signature, int signatureSize)
    Minimal DER decoder for the format returned by the SunEC signature provider.
    static byte[]
    encodeEcdsaSignature(byte[] signature)
    Minimal DER encoder for the format expected by the SunEC signature provider.
    static int
    Reads a DER-encoded length field from the given byte buffer.
    static void
    readUnsignedInteger(ByteBuffer input, byte[] output, int offset, int length)
    Reads an unsigned integer value into the given byte array.
    static void
    writeInteger(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] data)
    Writes an integer value in DER format to the given buffer.
    static void
    writeLength(ByteBuffer output, int length)
    Writes a length field to the output.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final byte INTEGER_TAG
      DER tag for integer values.
      See Also:

      public static final byte SEQUENCE_TAG
      DER tag for sequence values.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • readUnsignedInteger

      public static void readUnsignedInteger(ByteBuffer input, byte[] output, int offset, int length)
      Reads an unsigned integer value into the given byte array. The output will be in big-endian format and aligned to take up exactly length bytes (leaving untouched any unused leading bytes).
      input - the input DER-encoded byte buffer.
      output - the output byte array.
      offset - the offset into the byte array to start writing the integer value.
      length - the maximum length of the byte value (excluding any leading sign byte).
      BufferOverflowException - if the integer does not fit in the given output buffer slice.
    • writeInteger

      public static void writeInteger(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] data)
      Writes an integer value in DER format to the given buffer.
      buffer - the buffer to write the value to
      data - the integer value (in big-endian format) to write
    • readLength

      public static int readLength(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Reads a DER-encoded length field from the given byte buffer.
      buffer - the buffer to read a length field from.
      the length field.
    • writeLength

      public static void writeLength(ByteBuffer output, int length)
      Writes a length field to the output. If the length is 127 or less, the byte is the length. If the length is 128 or greater, the first byte is a combination of 0x80 to indicate the length is defined and the number of bytes to specify that length. See DER specification for more information.
      output - the output buffer.
      length - the length to write.
    • decodeEcdsaSignature

      public static byte[] decodeEcdsaSignature(byte[] signature, int signatureSize)
      Minimal DER decoder for the format returned by the SunEC signature provider.
      signature - DER signature
      signatureSize - size
      decoded signature
    • encodeEcdsaSignature

      public static byte[] encodeEcdsaSignature(byte[] signature)
      Minimal DER encoder for the format expected by the SunEC signature provider.
      signature - raw signature
      DER encoded signature