Interface Response

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActionResponse, QueryResponse, ResourceResponse
All Known Implementing Classes:
BadRequestException, ConflictException, CreateNotSupportedException, ForbiddenException, InternalServerErrorException, NotFoundException, NotSupportedException, PermanentException, PreconditionFailedException, PreconditionRequiredException, ResourceException, RetryableException, ServiceUnavailableException, UncategorizedException, UnsupportedMediaTypeException

public interface Response
Common response object of all resource responses.
  • Method Details

    • setResourceApiVersion

      void setResourceApiVersion(Version version)
      Sets the API version of the resource that the request was routed to.
      version - The resource API version.
    • getResourceApiVersion

      Version getResourceApiVersion()
      Gets the API version of the resource that the request was routed to.
      The resource API version.
    • getCacheControl

      default ResponseCacheControl getCacheControl()
      Indicates how the response should be cached by clients.
      the cache controls to apply to the response.