Class LazyReference<T>

Type Parameters:
T - expected type of the resolved reference object

public final class LazyReference<T> extends Object
Lazily resolve a JsonValue reference node against a provided Heap instance. Once the reference has been acquired, no other resolution is tried (except for optional references resolved to null).
  • Method Details

    • newReference

      public static <R> LazyReference<R> newReference(Heap heap, JsonValue reference, Class<R> type, boolean optional)
      Builds a LazyReference dedicated to resolve the given (optional or not) reference of type type from the given heap.
      Type Parameters:
      R - expected resolved type of the reference
      heap - Heap instance that will try to resolve the reference
      reference - Reference to be resolved (can be an inline declaration)
      type - expected resolved type of the reference
      optional - is this reference optional (return null if the given reference wraps a null value)
      a new LazyReference
    • get

      public T get() throws HeapException
      Resolves the encapsulated reference. Notice that synchronization is done in the Heap, so no need to cover that here.
      the resolved instance, or null if it was optional and not set.
      HeapException - if resolution failed, this error is the one thrown be the heap, untouched.