Interface RotatableObject

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RotatableObject
Interface defining methods a rotatable file needs.
  • Method Details

    • getBytesWritten

      long getBytesWritten()
      Retrieves the number of bytes written to the file.
      The number of bytes written to the file.
    • getLastRotationTime

      OffsetDateTime getLastRotationTime()
      Retrieves the last time the file was rotated. If a file rotation never occurred, this value will be the time the server started.
      The last time file rotation occurred.
    • rotateIfNeeded

      boolean rotateIfNeeded() throws IOException
      Checks the rotatable file for rotation then retention. The file is rotated if the configured RotationPolicy's are true. The old audit files are retained/deleted according to the RetentionPolicy's configured.
      true if rotation took place.
      IOException - If unable to rotateIfNeeded the audit file.
    • close

      void close() throws IOException
      Closes the rotatable file.
      IOException - If an exception occurs while closing.
    • registerRotationHooks

      void registerRotationHooks(RotationHooks rotationHooks)
      Registers hooks into the rotation process.
      rotationHooks - The RotationHooks into the rotation process.