Interface QueryResourceHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface QueryResourceHandler
A completion handler for consuming the results of a query request.

A query result completion handler may be specified when performing query requests using a Connection object. The handleResource(org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceResponse) method is invoked for each resource which matches the query criteria, followed by returning a QueryResponse or a ResourceException indicating that no more JSON resources will be returned.

Implementations of these methods should complete in a timely manner so as to avoid keeping the invoking thread from dispatching to other completion handlers.

Synchronization note: each invocation of handleResource for a resource happens-before the invocation of handleResource for the next resource. Invocation of handleResource for the final resource happens-before returning a QueryResponse or a ResourceException are invoked with the final query status. In other words, query resource handler method invocations will occur sequentially and one at a time.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Invoked each time a matching JSON resource is returned from a query request.
  • Method Details

    • handleResource

      boolean handleResource(ResourceResponse resource)
      Invoked each time a matching JSON resource is returned from a query request. More specifically, if a query request matches 10 resources, then this method will be invoked 10 times, once for each matching resource.

      Refer to RequestHandler.handleQuery(, QueryRequest, QueryResourceHandler) for information regarding the concurrency and the order in which events are processed.

      resource - The matching JSON resource.
      true if this handler should continue to be notified of any remaining matching JSON resources, or false if the remaining JSON resources should be skipped for some reason (e.g. a client side size limit has been reached).